Page 67 - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
P. 67

HS Code (HS 2012)   Product-  HS Code (HS 2012)                                          Product-
 Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule   Chapter  Heading  Subheading   Product Description   Specific Rule
 Pigs’,  hogs’  or  boars’  bristles  and  hair;   CHAPTER 7: EDIBLE VEGETABLES AND
    05.02      badger  hair  and  other  brush  making  hair;  CC   07         CERTAIN ROOTS AND TUBERS
 waste of such bristles or hair      07.01      Potatoes, fresh or chilled              WO
 Guts,  bladders  and  stomachs  of  animals   CC   except      07.02   0702.00  Tomatoes, fresh or chilled   WO
 (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof,
    05.04   0504.00   from Chapter            Onions,  shallots,  garlic,  leeks  and  other
 fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or   01      07.03      alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled   WO
 smoked                                       Cabbages,  cauliflowers,  kohlrabi,  kale  and
 Skins  and  other  parts  of  birds,  with  their      07.04      similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled   WO
 feathers  or  down,  feathers  and  parts  of   Lettuce  (Lactuca  sativa)  and  chicory
 feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges)      07.05      (Cichorium spp.), fresh or chilled   WO
    05.05      and down, not further worked than cleaned,  CC   Carrots,  turnips,  salad  beetroot,  salsify,
 disinfected  or  treated  for  preservation;      07.06      celeriac,  radishes  and  similar  edible  roots,  WO
 powder  and  waste  of  feathers  or  parts  of   fresh or chilled
 Bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted,      07.07   0707.00  Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled   or   WO
    05.06      simply  prepared  (but  not  cut  to  shape),   CC      07.08      unshelled, fresh or chilled   WO
 treated  with  acid  or  degelatinised;  powder
 and waste of these products      07.09       Other vegetables, fresh or chilled        WO
 Ivory,   tortoise-shell,   whalebone   and      07.10      Vegetables  (uncooked  or  cooked  by   CC
 whalebone  hair,  horns,  antlers,  hooves,   steaming or boiling in water), frozen
    05.07      nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply  CC   Vegetables  provisionally  preserved  (for
 prepared but not cut to shape; powder and    example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in
 waste of these products      07.11           sulphur  water  or  in  other  preservative  CC
 Coral  and  similar  materials,  unworked  or   solutions),  but  unsuitable  in  that  state  for
 simply  prepared  but  not  otherwise  worked;   immediate consumption
 shells   of   molluscs,   crustaceans   or   Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken
    05.08   0508.00   CC      07.12                                                     CC
 echinoderms  and  cuttle-bone,  unworked  or   or in powder, but not further prepared
 simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder      07.13      Dried  leguminous  vegetables,  shelled,   CC
 and waste thereof                            whether or not skinned or split
 Ambergris,  castoreum,  civet  and  musk;    Manioc,   arrowroot,   salep,   Jerusalem
 cantharides;  bile,  whether  or  not  dried;   artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots
    05.10   0510.00   glands and other animal products used in the   CC      07.14      and tubers with high starch or inulin content,  CC
 preparation  of  pharmaceutical  products,   fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not
 fresh,   chilled,   frozen   or   otherwise   sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith
 provisionally preserved   08                 CHAPTER 8: EDIBLE FRUIT AND NUTS;
 Animal products not elsewhere specified or   PEEL OF CITRUS FRUIT OR MELONS
    05.11      included;  dead  animals  of  Chapter  1  or  3,  CC      08.01      Coconuts, Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh
 unfit for human consumption                  or dried, whether or not shelled or peeled
 SECTION II                                   - Coconuts
 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS                  0801.11  -- Desiccated                             CC
 CHAPTER  6:  LIVE  TREES  AND  OTHER         0801.12  -- In the inner shell (endocarp)   CC
 PLANTS; BULBS, ROOTS AND THE LIKE;  CC   or   0801.19  -- Other                        CC
 CUT  FLOWERS  AND  ORNAMENTAL  RVC40            - Brazil nuts
                                     0801.21  -- In shell                               CC

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