Page 26 - 2020 Sustainability report DOW Thailand Group
P. 26

Towards a Sustainable Future

            Carbon Neutrality: the world's most urgent mission

                  To  achieve  the  ultimate  goal  of  the  Paris    net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2060.
            Agreement, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres,       One of China's approaches to reducing GHG
            in a statement in December 2020, underscored the   is the transition from fossil fuels such as coal, oil,
            urgent need of the international community to work   and natural gas to renewable energy. This is because
            together to achieve "Carbon Neutrality" by 2050. He   the largest proportion of greenhouse gases emitted
            requested all countries to implement the Net Zero   into the atmosphere is from fossil fuel combustion
            Greenhouse Gas Emissions plan. In addition, every   activities.
            five years, each country must propose an intense NDC    The transition to clean energy such as
            plan to show genuine determination and effort to take   renewable energy is a sustainable way to reduce global
            action to achieve carbon neutrality by the middle of   warming. Many European countries, such as Norway,
            this century.                                     are moving towards the development goal on this path.
                  It is encouraging that different countries,    It plans to use 100% renewable energy for heating,
            especially economically important countries that emit   electricity generation, and transportation.
            large amounts of greenhouse gases, such as the          In addition, the United States has rejoined the
            EU, the United Kingdom, Norway, and many other    Paris Agreement after the inauguration of Mr. Joe
            European countries, have pledged to be carbon     Biden, the latest president of the United States. This
            neutral. Countries in Asia with large economies, such   makes efforts  to meet greenhouse gas emissions
            as Japan and South Korea, have also announced     targets more achievable. Formerly, President Trump
            plans to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero   withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement,
            by 2050. More than 110 countries have announced   while the United States had previously set a goal to
            zero greenhouse gas emissions targets by 2050.    reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050.
            Thailand has proposed a plan to reduce greenhouse gas
            emissions by 20 percent by 2030, and possibly to 25
                                                              Information from:
            percent in the future, by seeking to reduce greenhouse
            gas emissions in the energy sector, transportation,
            industrial process, and waste management.
                  China has  announced plans  to  reduce
            greenhouse gas emissions at least 65% from 2005
            and continue towards Carbon Neutrality by reducing

                  Scope of Carbon Footprint Measurement
                  (Greenhouse Gas Protocol)

            A significant way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to   Scope 2 is greenhouse gases emitted from energy use
            achieve the Carbon Neutral goal is to reduce the carbon   (Energy Indirect GHG Emissions), such as the production of
            footprint of our activities under the GHG Protocol (https://  electricity, heat, steam, and cold that the organization uses
   There are 3 scopes of greenhouse gas   or purchases for use in its operations.
            emissions throughout the value chain, namely, Scope 1,
                                                              Scope 3 is other indirect greenhouse gas emissions
            2, and 3, as follows:
                                                              throughout the value chain (other indirect GHG emissions),
            Scope 1 is greenhouse gases directly emitted by the    such as greenhouse gas emissions from raw materials used,
            organization (Direct GHG Emissions), such as the    transportation of raw materials or factory employee travel,
            production process of goods or products in factories.  as well as product distribution, product use, and product

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