Page 30 - 2020 Sustainability report DOW Thailand Group
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Towards a Sustainable Future
Sustainability adaptation in Thailand
In addition to foreign countries that make the environment and sustainability priorities, Thai businesses
Building a green economy
have also made interesting moves in sustainability. The cooperation of the public and private sector is pushing
with the European Green Deal
Thailand's environmental change to a place closer to that of the world community.
Greenhouse gas and The first Thai Global Warming Law
Thailand has expressed its intention to address The plan also supports industrial business in the
global climate change under the Paris Agreement Eastern Special Development Zone (EEC) to become
jointly. The goal is to reduce the emissions by 20-25 a low-carbon industry.
percent by 2030, which is equivalent to at least 111 In addition, on March 1, 2021, the National
million tons of carbon dioxide, through methods such Climate Change Policy Committee (PEA) approved the
as reducing the emissions from business operations essence of the draft Climate Change Act B.E…. and
both directly and indirectly (according to the Carbon drafted a secondary legal framework, which will be
Footprint Scopes 1, 2, and 3), investments on clean presented to the cabinet for further consideration. This
energy such as solar and wind, materials and products means that soon, Thailand will institute its first global
design with less resource-intensive manufacturing warming law. Therefore, the private sector should start
processes. Green purchasing in the organization, preparing for carbon reduction in the organization,
i.e., preferring environmentally benign materials, and including in products and services, to adapt quickly
articipating in voluntary carbon credit trading projects and take away advantages from competitors when
are also in scope. the law passes, especially by utilizing technology and
Most recently, in February 2021, the Federation innovation.
of Thai Industries (FTI) and the Energy Policy and Today, technological advances make becoming
Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy signed a environmentally friendly not as difficult as it seems.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to create a For example, Dow's innovative INNATE� plastic
database of energy consumption of FTI members. resin can produce stronger packaging using 18%
The database will aid in setting targets of greenhouse less plastic. Therefore, it reduces greenhouse gas
gas reduction and creating industry standards emissions while at the same time, it is recyclable. The
of greenhouse gas emissions under the plan innovation maintains the manufacturer's cost while
"Country-Determined Participation" or NDC, which increasing the packaging performance.
Thailand has committed to the Paris Agreement.
30 2020 Sustainability report