Page 27 - 2020 Sustainability report DOW Thailand Group
P. 27

Plastic and sustainable management under the concept of the Circular Economy

                  According to the United Nations Environment   still a large amount of used plastic that escapes into
            Program (UNEP), people on earth today generate    the environment. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the
            more than 300 million tons of plastic waste each year,   use of single-use plastic products has increased,
            equal to the weight of the entire world's population   which worsens the situation.
            combined. The United Nations estimates that the         Efficient and sustainable plastic waste
            world's population will increase to 9.7 billion by 2050   management cannot be achieved only by reducing
            from around 7 billion today. As a result, the amount   its consumption but must incorporate the circular
            of plastic waste is increasing as well. The World Bank   economy concept. Using recyclable plastic as a
            estimates that if the world does not try to reduce plastic    starting material in production creates a continuous
            waste, the amount of plastic waste both on land and    circularity of use, preventing plastic from ending up
            in the oceans over the next 20 years will swell to 1.3    in the environment. Recyclable plastics can be raw
            billion tons, and those huge piles of plastic will take    materials for new products and can be reused
            hundreds of years to decompose. The unmanaged     continuously in an endless cycle. The Circular
            waste will cause environmental pollution and affect    Economy concept for plastics raises hope to become
            the health and natural ecosystem of the world.    a plastic-free society in the future. At present, many
            Governments in many countries have raised         large business organizations have turned to the idea
            awareness of the current problem and implemented    of   stopping plastic waste or reducing plastic waste
            a variety of policies and measures to reduce the amount   to zero as one of the goals for sustainable business
            of plastic waste, including bans on disposable plastic   operations.
            products such as straws and plastic glasses, refraining
                                                              Information from:
            from using plastic bags for supermarket products, and   circular-and-low-carbon-economy
            tax legislation for certain plastic products--including
            incentives to encourage recycling. However, there is   then%20dispose

                   Sustainable business concept:
                   Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

            The components of sustainable business operations are:  aligned with global sustainability goals.

            E - Environmental                                  An example of environmental aspects is the declaration
            S - Social                                         of greenhouse gas emissions in the production in a retail
            G - Governance                                     shop aiming to reduce carbon emissions according to GHG

                                                               Emission Scopes 1, 2, and 3 by promoting clean energy,
            This is the vision for an organization that drives for-profit
                                                               circular economy of plastics including supporting reuse
            and, at the same time,  considers environmental, social, and
                                                               and the concept of zero waste.
            corporate governance so that businesses can grow
            sustainably together with society.                 Regarding the social aspect, the organization may focus

                                                               on creating jobs, educational support, promoting people's
            The ESG policy is an important factor that investors use to
                                                               health, and supporting small businesses in technology
            assess the growth opportunities and risks to make investment
                                                               and funding.
            decisions in a company. Many large business organizations
            have taken sustainability as part of their business strategies   Regarding governance, it is recommended to adhere to
            with concrete and continuous projects under the ESG concept   honesty, integrity, transparency, and fairness.

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