Page 148 - IGUS Bearing
P. 148

iglidur  K                                                                                                                                                                                                              iglidur  K
         +170°C                                                                                                                                                                                                                   +170°C
          50MPa                                                                                                                                                                                                                   50MPa
                      Bearing technology | Plain bearings | iglidur  K                                                              Technical data
                                                                                                                                    General properties                                                      Testing method

                                                                                                                                    Density                                            g/cm³        1.52                       -40°C up to
          Ø                                                                                                                         Colour                                                      yellow-beige                   +170°C
                                                                                                                                    Max. moisture absorption at +23°C/50% r.h.       % weight       0.1       DIN 53495
                                                                                                                                    Max. moisture absorption                         % weight       0.6
                                                                                                                                    Coefficient of friction, dynamic, against steel      µ       0.06-0.21                     50MPa
                                                                                                                                    pv value, max. (dry)                             MPa · m/s      0.30
          Also available
          as:                                                                                                                       Mechanical properties
                      Versatile and cost-effective                                                                                  Flexural modulus                                    MPa        3,500      DIN 53457
                                                                                                                                    Flexural strength at +20°C
                                                                                                                                                                                                              DIN 53452
                      For medium temperatures and wet environments                                                                  Compressive strength                                MPa         60
          Bar stock,                                                                                                                Max. permissible surface pressure (+20°C)           MPa         50
          round bar
          Page 743                                                                                                                  Shore D hardness                                                72        DIN 53505
                      iglidur  K is the cost-effective general purpose bearing for medium temperatures, low moisture absorption
                      and good environmental resistance.                                                                            Physical and thermal properties
                      ● 	Low moisture absorption                                                                                    Max. application temperature long-term               °C        +170                         FOOD
                      ● 	Wear-resistant                                                                                             Max. application temperature short-term              °C        +240
                      ● 	Cost-effective                                                                                             Min. application temperature                         °C         -40
          Bar stock,   ● 	Lubrication-free                                                                                          Thermal conductivity                              W/m · K       0.25      ASTM C 177
          plate                                                                                                                                                                        -1   -5
          Page 773    ● 	Maintenance-free                                                                                           Coefficient of thermal expansion (at +23°C)       K  · 10        3        DIN 53752
                                                                                                                                    Electrical properties
                      Typical application areas                                                                                     Specific transitional resistance                    Ωcm        > 10 12    DIN IEC 93
                      ● 	Printing industry                                                                                          Surface resistance                                   Ω         > 10 12    DIN 53482
                      ● 	Electronics industry                                                                                       Table 01: Material properties
          tribo-tape liner  ● 	Packaging
          Page 781    ● 	Medical technology                                                                                         iglidur  K is characterised by its good wear characteristics    Resistance to weathering
                      ● 	Polymer processing machines                                                                                at low moisture absorption and good thermal and    iglidur  K plain bearings are resistant to weathering. The
                                                                                                                                    mechanical specifications. This supports a very universal   material properties are slightly affected. Discolouration
                                                                                                                                    application spectrum.                              occurs.

                                                                                                                                    Moisture absorption                                Mechanical properties
          Guide rings
          Page 641                                                                                                                  The moisture absorption of iglidur  K plain bearings in   With increasing temperatures, the compressive strength
                                                                                                                                    ambient conditions is approximately 0.1% weight. The   of iglidur  K plain bearings decreases. Diagram 02 shows
                       Descriptive technical specifications                                                                         saturation limit submerged in water is 0.6% weight. These   this inverse relationship. The maximum recommended
                       Wear resistance at +23°C                     –                       +                                       values are so low that a moisture expansion need to be   surface pressure is a mechanical material parameter. No
                                                                                                                                    considered only in extreme cases.                  conclusions regarding the tribological properties can be
                       Wear resistance at +90°C                     –                       +
                                                                                                                                                                                       drawn from this.
          Two hole     Wear resistance at +150°C                    –                       +                                       Vacuum                                             Diagram 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur  K
          bearings                                                                                                                  In vacuum, any present moisture is released as vapour.   at radial loads. At the maximum recommended surface
          Page 667     Slide property                               –                       +
                                                                                                                                    Use in vacuum is only possible with dehumidified iglidur  K    pressure of 50MPa, the deformation is less than 3%. A
                       Wear resistance under water                  –                       +                                       bearings.                                          possible deformation could be, among others, dependant
                                                                                                                                                                                       on the duty cycle of the load.
                       Media resistance                             –                       +
                                                                                                                                    Radiation resistance                               Surface pressure, page 45
          Moulded      Resistant to edge pressures                  –                       +                                       Plain bearings made from iglidur  K are resistant up to a
          special parts                                                                                                             radiation intensity of 5 · 10² Gy.
          Page 696     Resistant to shock and impact loads          –                       +

                       Dirt resistance                              –                       +

          igubal            Online product finder                         Online service life calculation
          spherical balls
          Page 993         ASEAN 09/2023   ASEAN 09/2023
          146   3D-CAD, finder and service life calculation ...                                                                            Lubrication-free made easy ... from stock ... no minimum order quantity   147
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