Page 38 - IGUS Bearing
P. 38

iglidur  plain bearings | Material properties

          iglidur ®                        Unit      G      G1    M250 P210 P230           P       K     GLW                       J    W300    J3    J3B J350 J260 W360 L250 L350 L500                 R      D    J200    E7      E

          General properties

          Density                        [g/cm ]    1.46   1.58    1.14    1.40    1.57   1.58    1.52    1.36                    1.49   1.24   1.42   1.42   1.44  1.35   1.34    1.5   1.54   1.53   1.39   1.4    1.72  1.05   1.50

          Max. moisture absorption at    [% weight]  0.7    0.2     1.4    0.3     0.1     0.2     0.1    1.3                      0.3   1.3    0.3    0.3    0.3    0.2    0.2    0.7    0.4    0.1   0.2    0.3    0.2    0.1    0.2
          +23°C and 50% relative humidity

         Max. moisture absorption      [% weight]   4.0     1.7     7.6    0.5     0.3     0.4     0.6    5.5                      1.3   6.5    1.3    1.3    1.6    0.4    1.6    3.9    1.4   0.3    1.1    1.1    0.7    0.1    1.7

         Coefficient of sliding friction,   [µ]    0.08 -   0.08 -   0.18 -    0.07 -    0.06 -    0.06 -    0.06 -    0.10 -     0.06 -   0.08 -   0.06 -   0.09 -   0.10 -   0.06 -   0.07 -   0.08 -   0.15 -   0.19 -   0.09 -   0.08 -   0.11 -   0.08 -   0.08 -
         dynamic against steel                      0.15   0.15    0.40    0.19    0.21   0.21    0.21    0.24                    0.18   0.23   0.20   0.23   0.20  0.20   0.21   0.19   0.20   0.26   0.25   0.26   0.17  0.17   0.23

         pv value, max. (dry)           [MPa · m/s]  0.42  0.60    0.12    0.4     0.30   0.39     0.3    0.3                     0.34   0.23   0.5    0.5    0.45  0.35   0.35    0.4    3.0   4.0    0.27   0.27   0.3   0.22   0.25

          Mechanical properties

          Flexural modulus                [MPa]    7,800  11,486   2,700  2,500   6,532   5,300  3,500   7,700                   2,400 3,500 2,700 2,895 2,000 2,200 3,829 1,950 15,882 12,015 1,950 2,000 2,800 1,477 2,975

          Flexural strength at +20°C      [MPa]     210     178    112      70     173     120     80     235                      73    125     70     65    55     60     119    67    210    201     70     72    58     22     79

         Compressive strength             [MPa]     78      115     52      50     101     66      60      74                      60     61     60    n.s.   60     50     n.s.   47    210     70     68     70    43     18     n.s.

         Max. permissible                 [MPa]     80      91      20      50     60      50      50      80                      35     60     45    44     60     40     75     45     59     70     23     23    23     18     37
         surface pressure at +20°C

         Shore D hardness                           81      81      79      75     80      75      72      78                      74     77     73    76     80     77     n.s.   68     80     81     77     78    70     61     78

          Physical and thermal properties

          Max. continuous operating        [°C]    +130    +180    +80     +100   +110    +130    +170   +100                     +90    +90    +90    +90   +180   +120   +180   +90    +180   +250   +90    +90    +90    +70    +90
         Max. short-term operating         [°C]    +220    +220    +170    +160   +180    +200    +240   +160                     +120   +180  +120   +110   +220   +140   +200   +180   +210   +315  +110   +110   +120    +90   +120
         Min. continuous operating         [°C]     -40     -40     -40    -40     -30     -40    -40     -40                     -50    -40    -50    -50   -100   -100    -40    -40   -100   -100   -50    -50    -50    -50    -50

         Thermal conductivity           [W/m · K]   0.24   0.46    0.24    0.25    0.34   0.25    0.25    0.24                    0.25   0.24   0.25   0.30   0.24  0.24   0.24   0.24   0.61   0.45   0.25   0.25   0.24  0.24   0.25

         Coefficient of thermal expansion    [K  · 10 ]  9  3.5     10      8       5       4      3       17                      10     9      13    12.7    7     13      6     10     7      6      11     11     8     25     10
         at +23°C
          Electrical properties

          Specific cont act  resistance   [Ωcm]    > 10 13  > 10 9  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 11         > 10 13  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 13  > 10 10  > 10 5  > 10 10  > 10 12  > 10 14  > 10 8  > 10 9  > 10 12

          Surface resistance               [Ω]     > 10 11  > 10 11  > 10 11  > 10 11  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 11        > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 10  > 10 10  > 10 12  > 10 11  > 10 5  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 14  > 10 8  > 10 9  > 10 12

          Page                                       85     101    111     121     129     135    145     153                     163    175    187    195    203    211    219   227    235    243    251    259    265    271    279
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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