Page 40 - IGUS Bearing
P. 40

iglidur  plain bearings | Material properties

          iglidur ®                          Unit      X       Z      X6    V400 HSD350 UW500      H1    H370                      H     C500    H2      H3     H5    A181 A350 A500 A180 A200 A160 UW160 T220 AX500

          General properties

          Density                           [g/cm ]   1.44    1.4    1.53   1.51    1.39   1.49    1.53   1.66                    1.71    1.37   1.72   1.41    1.41   1.38    1.42   1.28   1.46    1.14   1.00   1.04    1.28   1.52

          Max. moisture absorption at     [% weight]   0.1    0.3     0.1    0.1    0.6     0.1    0.1    0.1                      0.1    0.3     0.1    0.2    0.1     0.2    0.6    0.3     0.2    1.5     0.1    0.1    0.3     0.3
          +23°C and 50% relative humidity

          Max. moisture absorption        [% weight]   0.5    1.1     0.5    0.2    1.2     0.5    0.3    0.1                      0.3    0.5     0.2    0.5    0.7     1.3    1.9    0.5     1.3    7.6     0.1    0.1    0.5     0.5

          Coefficient of sliding friction,    [µ]     0.09 -   0.06 -   0.09 -   0.15 -   0.07 -   0.20 -   0.06 -   0.07 -       0.07 -   0.07 -   0.07 -   0.08 -   0.08 -   0.10 -   0.10 -   0.26 -   0.05 -   0.10 -   0.09 -   0.17 -   0.20 -   0.08 -
          dynamic against steel                       0.27    0.14   0.25   0.20    0.23   0.36    0.20   0.17                    0.20    0.19   0.30   0.17    0.24   0.21    0.20   0.41   0.23    0.40   0.19   0.31    0.32   0.22

         pv value, max. (dry)             [MPa · m/s]  1.32   0.84   1.35    0.5    0.3    0.35    0.80   0.74                    1.37    0.7    0.58    0.7    0.7    0.31    0.40   0.28   0.31    0.09   0.25   0.22    0.28    0.9

          Mechanical properties

          Flexural modulus                  [MPa]     8,100  2,400 16,000 4,500    2,150 16,000 2,800 11,100                     12,500 3,300 10,300    2,760  6,400   1,913  2,000  3,600   2,300  2,500  1,151   1,349  1,800   6,170

          Flexural strength at +20°C        [MPa]      170     95    290     95      67    260     55     135                      175    100    210     68     150     48     110    140     88     116     19     22      65    115

          Compressive strength              [MPa]      100     65    190     47      44    140     78      79                      81     110    109     n.s.   n.s.    60     78     118     78     54      37     32      55    n.s.

         Max. permissible surface pressure    [MPa]    150    150    150     45      30    140     80      75                      90     80     110     40      80     31     60     120     28     18      14     20      40     69
         at +20°C

         Shore D hardness                              85      81     89     74      77     86     77      82                      87     80      88     75      72     76     76      83     76     81      60     60      76     81

          Physical and thermal properties

          Max. continuous operating          [°C]     +250   +250    +250   +200   +180    +250   +200    +200                    +200   +250    +200   +200   +200    +90    +180    +250   +90     +80    +90     +90   +100    +250
          Max. short-term operating          [°C]     +315   +310    +315   +240   +210    +300   +240    +240                    +240   +300    +240   +240   +240    +110   +210    +300   +110   +170    +100   +100   +160    +300
          Min. continuous operating          [°C]     -100    -100   -100    -50    -40    -100    -40    -40                      -40    -100   -40     -40    -40     -50   -100    -100    -50    -40    -50     -50    -40    -100

         Thermal conductivity              [W/m · K]  0.60    0.62   0.55   0.24    0.24    0.6    0.24   0.5                      0.6    0.24   0.24   0.25    0.25   0.25    0.24   0.24   0.25    0.24   0.30   0.50    0.24   0.26

         Coefficient of thermal expansion    [K  · 10 ]  5     4      1.1     3      7       4      6      5                        4      9      4       6      7      11      8      9      11     10      11     18      11     9
         at +23°C
          Electrical properties

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 > 10 -
          Specific cont act  resistance     [Ωcm]     < 10 5  > 10 11  < 10 5  > 10 12  > 10 13  < 10 9  > 10 12  < 10 5          < 10 5  > 10 14  > 10 15  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 11  > 10 14  > 10 12  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 > 10 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 > 10 -
          Surface resistance                  [Ω]     < 10 3  > 10 11  < 10 3  > 10 12  > 10 14  < 10 9  > 10 11  < 10 5          < 10 2  > 10 13  > 10 14  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 11  > 10 13  > 10 11  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 > 10 11
          Page                                         291    301    311     319    327    335     345    353                      363    371    379     385    391    401     409    417     425    433    443     451    459    465
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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