Page 45 - IGUS Bearing
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dry-tech  bearing technology | Lubrication-free made easy  iglidur  | High-performance polymers
 Proven. Predictable. Performance.  Properties and design

          iglidur  plain bearings made from high-
          performance polymers
          Wear-resistant tribo-polymers improved by precise       General properties of
          additions of strengthening materials and solid lubricants,   iglidur  plain bearings
          tested thousands of times and proven millions of times -
          that is iglidur . igus  engineers develop and test more than    Lubrication-free
          267 new plastic compounds every year. The finely tuned   ●
          combination of plastic matrix, strengthening components   ●  Corrosion-resistant
          and solid lubricants in every single tribo-polymer results in    Good media resistance
          an individual properties profile in each case. In more than   ●
          15,000 individual tests a year on over 200 test rigs in the   ●  High compressive strength
          igus  test laboratory, all materials are thoroughly tested.    High mechanical dampening
          The findings go into a unique knowledge database on     ●
          the tribology of maintenance-free plastic plain bearings.   ●  Low coefficient of friction
          This database enables us to select the ideal iglidur  plain
 Proven.  offers designers the possibility of not only determining the   bearing for our customers depending on the application   ●  Maintenance-free
 Since 1983, igus  has been manufacturing plain bearings   iglidur  plain bearing with the best price-performance ratio   and to calculate its anticipated service life. If necessary, it    High resistance to contamination
 from specifically developed iglidur  high-performance   within a few minutes, but also to get an exact report on   is also possible to develop an application-specific material,   ●
 plastics. Over 50 different polymer compounds have been   the predicted service life in the application. Easy. Online   exactly adapted to the thermal, mechanical and tribological   ●  Lightweight
 developed and tested since then. In order to make the   calculation available.    requirements, which goes beyond the existing iglidur     High wear resistance
 selection of the best material for wear-resistant parts in   product range. In addition, freely accessible and user-  ●
 various environments as easy and safe as possible, igus    Performance.  friendly online tools enable every user to select his personal   ●  Excellent price-performance ratio
 tests these materials in over 15,000 application-oriented   Since 1983, iglidur  plain bearings have successfully   plain bearing from the iglidur  product range. Whether
 test series per year. The collected findings flow into unique   established themselves in various applications all over the   iglidur  product finder or iglidur  service life calculation,
 online selection tools and the know-how of our global   world. They are not only cost-effective but also maintenance-  piston ring or bar stock configurator: with a few clicks and
 network of iglidur  application consultants.   free, lubrication-free and versatile. They are suitable for large   application-related information a suitable bearing is quickly   Over and above the general properties, each iglidur  
 or small volume production, in the automotive sector, in
 Predictable.  special machine construction, underwater applications or   found.   bearing material possesses a series of special properties
                                                               and strengths, which make it specially suitable for
 Plain bearings are wear-resistant parts. And wear-resistant   for the food and packaging industry. More than 200,000   certain applications and requirements. You can find a
 parts wear out. But when? When is the wear limit reached   customers worldwide successfully use iglidur   plain   comprehensive description of the materials in the respective
 and when does the plain bearing have to be replaced? The   bearings and thereby reduce the costs and increase the   chapters before the dimensions tables.
 iglidur  expert system answers this question. Based on more   service life of their bearing points.
 than 15,000 wear tests per year, the iglidur  expert system

          Picture 02: Injection-moulded iglidur  plain bearings   Picture 03: Base polymers with fibres and solid
          are homogeneously structured. Base polymer, bonding   lubricants, magnified 200 times, dyed

 Picture 01: igus  test lab: 15,000 tribological tests (friction and wear) in 300 test set-ups in the industry's largest   materials and solid lubricants mutually complement
          each other.
 laboratory (3,800m ). View inside bearing laboratory in Cologne  ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
 42  Online tools and more information u       3D CAD files, prices and delivery times online u  43
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