Page 46 - IGUS Bearing
P. 46

iglidur  | High-performance polymers                                                                                     iglidur  | Technical data
        Properties and design                                                                                                    Load

        The traditional solution                                                                                                 The load of a plain bearing is expressed by the surface   120
        Hard shells with soft coating. Every lubricated bearing   The iglidur  solution:                                         pressure (p) in MPa (corresponding to N/mm ). For this   100
        works according to this principle, and also a number of   the self-lubricating effect                                    purpose, the radial load is determined on the projected   80
        maintenance-free bearings that are equipped with special                                                                 surface of the bearing.
        sliding layers. However, this soft sliding layer is not strong   The high-performance polymers of the iglidur  plain                                                               60
        enough. For high loads, edge pressure or oscillations, it is   bearings consist of:                                      Radial bearing:      Thrust bearing:                   Surface pressure [MPa]  40
        easily removed.                                                                                                                F                        F                          20
                                                                 ●  Base polymer                                                   p =  d1 · b1         p =  2    2   π

        Base polymers and technical fibres                       ●  Fibres and filling material                                                           (d2  - d1 ) ·  4                  0  20      50        80        120      150
        The radial pressure with which the bearings are loaded   ●  Solid lubricants                                                                                                          Temperature [°C]
        is received by the polymer material. In the contact area,                                                                                                                         iglidur  G        iglidur  J260    iglidur  T220
        this material provides a support to the shaft. The polymer   These components are  not applied in layers,                In these equations:                                      iglidur  M250     iglidur  L250    iglidur  Q
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             iglidur  F
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  P
        base material ensures that the lubricants do not receive   but instead are mixed together homogeneously.                 F  load in [N]                                           iglidur  GLW      iglidur  D       iglidur  UW
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  J200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             iglidur  B
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  J
        a surface pressure that is too high. The base material is   The advantage of this design is clear when the               d1 bearing inner diameter in [mm]                        iglidur  W300     iglidur  A180    iglidur  C
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  J3
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  A200
        also reinforced by technical fibres or filling materials. These   requirements on the bearings surface are studied:      b1 bearing length in [mm]
        additional materials stabilise the bearing especially in cases                                                           d2 outer diameter of the bearing in [mm]
        of continuous load.                                      1.   The coefficient of friction, which is determined                                                                    160
                                                                   especially by the surface of the bearing, should                                                                       140
        Incorporated self-lubrication                              be as low as possible.                                        Max. recommended surface pressure                        120
        The solid lubricants are, as microscopic particles, embedded                                                             A comparative value of the iglidur  material is the maximum   100
        in millions of tiny chambers of the material. From these   2.   The surface cannot be removed by forces that             recommended static surface pressure [MPa] at +20°C. The   80
        chambers, the plain bearings release tiny amounts of solid   act on the bearing.                                         values of the individual iglidur  plain bearings differ greatly   Surface pressure [MPa]  60
        lubricants during movement. This is adequate to sufficiently                                                             on this point. The value [p] indicates the pressure limit of   40
        lubricate the immediate surrounding area. The lubricants   3.   The wearing force acts especially on the surface         a plain bearing. The plain bearing can carry this pressure   20
        help to reduce the iglidur  bearing's coefficient of friction.   of the bearing, for this the bearing must be            permanently without damage. The given value applies to     0  20  40  60  80  100  120  140  160  180  200
        They are not indispensable for the bearing's function, but   capable of high resistance.                                 static operation; only very slow speeds up to 0.01m/s are    Temperature [°C]
        have a supporting effect. Since they are embedded in the                                                                 tolerated under this pressure. Higher pressures than those   iglidur  K    iglidur  V400    iglidur  H2
        tiny chambers, they cannot be forced out. They are always                                                                indicated are possible if the duration of the load is short.  iglidur  J350  iglidur  UW500  iglidur  A350
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             iglidur  A500
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  X
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  H1
        there as soon as the bearing or the shaft is set in motion.  One universal material, which can fulfil all these tasks                                                             iglidur  Z        iglidur  H370    iglidur  H4
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  H
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  X6
                                                                 equally well, unfortunately does not exist yet. That is         u Material properties, page 60
                                                                 why iglidur  plain bearings work differently. Different                                                              Diagram 02-03: Maximum recommended surface
                                                                 components of the iglidur  materials give the bearings                                                               pressure as a function of temperature
                                                                 their properties:                                               Load and temperature
                                                                                                                                 Diagram 02 and 03 show the maximum recommended
                                                                 ●  The base polymers are responsible for the                    static surface pressure of the iglidur  plain bearing as a    100
                                                                   resistance to wear.                                           function of temperature. With increasing temperature,
                                                                 ●  Fibres and filling materials reinforce the bearing           this value decreases continuously. Take advantage of the
                                                                   so that high forces or edge loads are possible.               opportunity presented by the predictability of the
                                                                 ●  Solid lubricants lubricate the bearing                       iglidur  plain bearing to record these effects in advance, or   10
                                                                                                                                                                                        Wear [µm/km]
                                                                   independently and prevent friction of the system.             determine the effective temperatures in the test.
                                                                                                                                 Pressure and speed
                                                                                                                                 With decreasing radial load on the plain bearing, the      1  5           10          20           45
                                                                                                                                 permissible surface speed increases. The product of the      Load [MPa]
                                                                                                                                 pressure [p] and speed [v], the so-called pv value, can be   iglidur  G    iglidur  W300    iglidur  Q
        Picture 04: Polymer granulate; basis compound of the                                                                     understood as a measurement for the frictional heat of the   iglidur  P    iglidur  Z
                                                                                                                                                                                          iglidur  J
                                                                                                                                                                                                            iglidur  V400
        lubrication-free and predictable iglidur  plain bearings                                                                 bearing. This relationship is shown by the pv graph that is
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  the first in the respective chapter for each iglidur  material.  Diagram 04: Wear of iglidur  plain bearings under
                                                                                                                                                                                      medium and high pressures
        44     Online tools and more information u                                                               3D CAD files, prices and delivery times online u              45
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