Page 51 - IGUS Bearing
P. 51

iglidur  | Technical data  iglidur  | Technical data
 Surface Speed  Chemical resistance

 The peripheral speed is always significant in plain bearings.   bearings for rotating, pivoting, and linear movements. These   iglidur  plain bearings can come into contact with many   u Chemical table, page 1170
 The absolute speed is not crucial, but the relative speed   surface speeds are limit values assuming minimal pressure   chemicals during their use. This contact can lead to
 between the shaft and the bearing. The surface speed is   loading of the bearing. In practice, these limit values are   changes of the structural properties. The behaviour of
 expressed in meters per second [m/s] and calculated from   rarely reached due to an inverse relationship between load   plastics towards a certain chemical is dependent on the   Applications in the food industry
 the speed n [rpm] with the following formula.   and speed. Each pressure increase leads unavoidably to a   temperature, the length of exposure, and the type and   ®
 With varying speeds for example with pivoting movements,   reduction of the permissible surface speeds and vice versa.  amount of the mechanical stress. If iglidur  plain bearings   The iglidur  product range with specially developed
 the value needed is the average surface speed v (see above   The speed limit is determined by the thermal properties of   are resistant to a chemical, they can be used in these   bearing materials is prepared for the special requirements
 formula).  the bearing. This is also the reason why different surface   media. Sometimes, the surrounding media can even take   in machines and equipment for the food industry. The
 speeds can occur for the different movement types. For   on the role of a lubricant. Therefore plain bearings may   materials of the iglidur  A series and of iglidur  T220 are
 linear movements, more heat can be dissipated via the   also be used lubricated. However, in dirty environments,   made according to the requirements of the American Food
 Rotational    shaft, since the bearing uses a longer surface area on the   a traditional lubricant can decrease the wear resistance   and Drugs Administration (FDA) for the repeated contact
 [  ]

 movement:    v =   n · d1 · π  m                              with food.
    60 · 1,000  s  shaft.   when compared to dry operation. The following overview
          resistances in the rear of the catalogue.
 Pivoting movement:    v = d1 · π ·    2 · ß         f     [   ]  Surface speed and wear  demonstrates this. You’ll find a detailed list of chemical
 360  1,000  s
 Considerations regarding the permissible surface speeds
 In these equations:  should also include the wear resistance of the plain bearing.
 d1 =   Shaft diameter [mm]  ß  High surface speeds automatically bring correspondingly   Material  Hydro-  Greases,   Weak   Weak    Material  Hydro-  Greases,   Weak   Weak
 f    =  Frequency per second  high wear rates with them. With higher surface speed, not   carbons  oils, without   acids  alkalines  carbons  oils, without   acids  alkalines
 ß   =  Angle of motion per cycle [°]  only the wear rate rises but also the absolute wear.
           iglidur  G      +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  H2     +        +     + up to 0   +
 n   =   rpm  iglidur  G1  +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  H3     +        +     + up to 0   +
 Surface speed and coefficient of friction  iglidur  M250  +  +  0 up to –  +  iglidur  H5  +  +  + up to 0  +
 In practice the coefficient of friction of plain bearings is   iglidur  P210  – –  + –  0 0  – –  iglidur  A181  + up to 0  +  0 up to –  +
           iglidur  P
                                                                 iglidur  A350
 Permissible surface speeds  a result of the surface speed. High surface speeds have   iglidur  K  +  +  0 up to –  +  iglidur  A500  +  +  +  +
 iglidur  plain bearings were primarily developed for low to   a higher coefficient of friction than low surface speeds.   iglidur  GLW  +  +  0 up to –  +  iglidur  A180  +  +  0 up to –  +
 average surface speeds in continuous operation. Table 01   Diagram 08 shows this relationship by using the example   iglidur  P230  +  +  +  +  iglidur  A200  +  +  0 up to –  +
           iglidur  J      +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  A160   +        +        +        +
 shows the permissible surface speed of iglidur  plain   of a steel shaft (Cf53) with a load of 0.7MPa.  iglidur  W300  +  +  0 up to –  +  iglidur  UW160  +  +  +  +
           iglidur  J3     +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  T220   –        +        0        –
           iglidur  J3B    +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  AX500  +        +        +        +
           iglidur  J350  + up to 0  +       +        +          iglidur  Q2     +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  J260   +     0 up to –   –     + up to 0     iglidur  Q3E    +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  W360   +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  Q      +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  L250   +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  Q290   +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  L350  + up to 0  +       +        +          iglidur  M210   –        –        0        –
           iglidur  L500   +        +        +        +          iglidur  M260   +     0 up to –   –     + up to 0
           iglidur  R      +        +     0 up to –   +          igutex  TX1     +        +        +        +
           iglidur  D      +        +     0 up to –   +          igutex  TX2     +        +        +        +
           iglidur  J200   +        +     0 up to –   +          igutex  TX3     +        +        +        +
           iglidur  E7     +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  F      +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  E      +        +     0 up to –   +          iglidur  F2     –        +        0        –
           iglidur  X      +        +        +        +          iglidur  H4     +        +     + up to 0   +
           iglidur  Z      +        +        +        +          iglidur  UW     +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  X6     +        +        +        +          iglidur  J UV   +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  V400   +        +        +        +          iglidur  N54    +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  HSD350  +       +        +        +          iglidur  G V0   +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  UW500  +        +        +        +          iglidur  J2     +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  H1     +        +     + up to 0   +          iglidur  AB     +        +     0 up to –   +
           iglidur  H370   +        +     + up to 0   +          iglidur  RW370  –        +        +        +
           iglidur  H      +        +     + up to 0   +          iglidur  B      –        –     0 up to –   –
           iglidur  C500   +        +        +        +          iglidur  C      +        +     0 up to –   +
          Table 05: Chemical resistance of iglidur  materials
          + resistant   0 conditionally resistant    – not resistant
          All data given at room temperature [+20°C]
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
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