Page 52 - IGUS Bearing
P. 52

iglidur  | Technical data
        pv value and coefficient of friction

        For plain bearings, the product is given a new value   Lubrication                                                       Lubrication                 Correction factor        Depending on whether an application is starting from a
        depending on the pressure [p] and the surface speed [v].The   Although iglidur  plain bearings are designed for dry      Dry operation                     1.0                stationary position or the movement is in progress and
        pv value can be considered a measure of the frictional heat   operation, they are quite compatible with standard oils    During installation               1.3                needs to be maintained, a distinction is made between
        and can be used as an analytical tool to answer questions   and greases. A single lubrication during the installation    Continuous, grease                2.0                a static coefficient of friction and a dynamic coefficient of
        concerning the proper application of a plain bearing. For this   improves the start-up behaviour and the coefficient of   Continuous, water                4.0                friction.
        purpose the actual pv value is compared with a permitted   friction, thus reducing the frictional heat. Due to this effect,   Continuous, oil              5.0
        pv value calculable for the height. The permitted pv value   the permissible loads for plain bearings can be increased                                                        Coefficient of friction and surfaces
        depends on the shaft material, the ambient temperature   by lubrication. Table 02 shows the correction factors for       Table 02: Correction of the tolerated pv value by    Shown here is the relationship between coefficient of friction
        and the service time.                                 pv value using lubrication.                                        means of lubrication                                 and surface finish of shaft materials. It is clearly shown that
                                                                                                                                 Material              Thermal conductivity [W/m · k]  the amount of friction is composed of different factors.
        Correction factor                                                                                                        Steel                             46                 If the shaft is too rough, abrasion levels play an important
        The permissible pv value can be increased in practical      8                                                            Aluminium                         204                role. Small areas of unevenness that can interlock with each
        operation if the bearing temperature never reaches the      7                                                            Grey cast iron                    58                 other must be worn off the surface.
        maximum limit because of the short operating time. Tests    6                                                            304 stainless steel               16                 When the surfaces are too smooth, however, higher
        have shown that this is true for operating times below      5                                                            Ceramics                          1.4                adhesion results, i.e. the surfaces stick to each other.
        10 minutes. It is known that a longer dwell time makes a    4                                                            Polymer                          0.24                Higher forces are necessary to overcome the adhesion,
        greater contribution to re-cooling. An important qualifier   3                                                                                                                which results from an increased coefficient of friction.
        here is the ratio of the operating time and dwell times. The   Correction factor  2 1                                    Table 03: Heat conductivity values of shaft or housing   Stick-slip can be the result of a large difference between
        different curves of diagram 09 represent different ratios (3x                                                            materials                                            static and dynamic friction and of a higher adhesive tendency
        means that the dwell time is three times longer than the    0                                                                                                                 of mating surfaces. Stick-slip also occurs due to intermittent
        operating time).                                              0   1   2    3   4   5    6   7   8    9                   Coefficient of friction                              running behaviour and can result in loud squeaking. Over
                                                                      Duty cycle [min]
                                                                                                                                 iglidur  plain bearings are self-lubricating with the addition   and over again, it is observed that these noises do not occur
                                                                        4 times     3 times     2 times     1 time
                                                                                                                                 of solid lubricants. The solid lubricants lower the coefficient   or can be eliminated with rough shafts. Thus for applications
                                                              Diagram 09: Correction factor for p · v
                                                                                                                                 of friction of the plain bearings and thus increase the wear   that have a great potential for stick-slip - slow movements,
                                                                                                                                 resistance. The coefficient of friction μ is proportional to the   large resonance of the housing - attention must be paid to
                                                                                                                                 normal force and describes which force is needed to move   the optimal surface finish of the shafts.
                                                                                                                                 a body in relation to another.

          pv value

                             pv    =  ( [K1 · π · k · ∆T ]  [K2 · π · s · ∆T ] )  -3

                                                                      · 10
                              perm.       µ · s          µ · b1 · 2
          In these equations:
          K1, K2     =       Constant for heat dissipation (K1 = 0.5, K2 = 0.042)
          s          =     Bearing wall thickness mm
          b1         =     Bearing length mm
          μ          =     Coefficient of friction
           s         =     Thermal conductivity of the shaft
           k         =     Thermal conductivity of the bearing
          ∆T         =     (T  - T )
                            a   u
          T          =     Ambient temperature [°C]
          T          =     Max. application temperature [°C]

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