Page 55 - IGUS Bearing
P. 55

iglidur  | Technical data  iglidur  G  -100  -50  0  +50  +100  +150  +200  +250  +300  Material  Temperature [°C]
                                                                                    iglidur  G
 Temperatures  iglidur  G1                                                          iglidur  G1         +120
                                                                                    iglidur  M250
           iglidur  M250
           iglidur  P210                                                            iglidur  P210       +50
 The temperature resistance of high-performance polymer   addition to the press-fit. The table 04 shows the temperature   iglidur  P  iglidur  P  +90
 plain bearings is usually underestimated. Data is often   at which additional securing of the iglidur  plain bearing is   iglidur  K  iglidur  K  +70
 found in the literature about the continuous operating   required, even under low axial loads. The greater the forces,   iglidur  GLW  iglidur  GLW  +80
           iglidur  P230                                                            iglidur  P230       +100
 temperature. The continuous operating temperature is   the more reasons to engage such a fastening.   iglidur  J  iglidur  J  +60
 the highest temperature, which the plastic can withstand   iglidur  W300           iglidur  W300       +60
 for a period of time without a reduction in the tensile   Temperature and load  iglidur  J3  iglidur  J3  +60
 strength of the material above or below a prespecified   The diagrams 02 and 03 (u Page 45) show the maximum    iglidur  J3B  iglidur  J3B  +140
                                                                                    iglidur  J350
           iglidur  J350
 value. This standardised test however yields only a less   recommended surface pressure [p] of the iglidur  plain    iglidur  J260  iglidur  J260  +80
 relevant characteristic value, as bearings are almost always   bearings as a function of temperature. With increasing   iglidur  W360  iglidur  W360  +90
 subjected to a load. The application temperatures of the   temperature, this value decreases continuously. With plain   iglidur  L250  iglidur  L250  +55
           iglidur  L350                                                            iglidur  L350       +140
 materials are more revealing.  bearings it is important to note that, due to the friction,   iglidur  L500  iglidur  L500  +135
 the bearing temperature may be higher than the ambient   iglidur  R                iglidur  R          +50
           iglidur  D                                                               iglidur  D          +50
 Application temperatures  temperature.   iglidur  J200                             iglidur  J200       +60
 The minimum application temperature is the temperature   iglidur  E7               iglidur  E7         +30
 below which the material is so rigid and hard that it   Coefficient of thermal expansion  iglidur  E  iglidur  E  +60
 becomes too brittle for standard applications. The maximum   The thermal expansion of polymers is approximately   iglidur  X  iglidur  X  +135
                                                                                    iglidur  Z
           iglidur  Z
 continuous application temperature is the temperature the   10 to 20 times higher than metals. In contrast to metal,   iglidur  X6  iglidur  X6  +165
 material can endure for a longer period of time without the   this expansion is non-linear in plastics. The coefficient   iglidur  V400  iglidur  V400  +100
 properties changing considerably.  of thermal expansion of the iglidur  plain bearing is a   iglidur  HSD350  iglidur  HSD350  +130
           iglidur  UW500                                                           iglidur  UW500      +150
 The maximum, short-term application temperature is the   significant reason for the bearing clearance. At the given   iglidur  H1  iglidur  H1  +80
 temperature above which the material becomes so soft,   application clearance, seizing of the bearing to the shaft   iglidur  H370  iglidur  H370  +100
 that it can only withstand small external loads. "Short term"   does not occur at high temperatures. The coefficient of   iglidur  H  iglidur  H  +120
                                                                                    iglidur  C500
           iglidur  C500
 is defined as a period of a few minutes.   thermal expansion of iglidur  plain bearings was examined   iglidur  H2  iglidur  H2  +110
 If the plain bearings are moved axially or axial forces occur,   for significant temperature ranges and the results are given   iglidur  H3  iglidur  H3  +80
 there is more opportunity for the bearing to lose press-fit.   in the individual materials tables, at the start of each chapter.  iglidur  H5  iglidur  H5  +80
           iglidur  A181
                                                                                    iglidur  A181
 In these cases, axial securing of the bearing is necessary in   iglidur  A350      iglidur  A350       +140
           iglidur  A500                                                            iglidur  A500       +130
           iglidur  A180                                                            iglidur  A180       +60
           iglidur  A200                                                            iglidur  A200       +50
           iglidur  A160                                                            iglidur  A160       +60
           iglidur  UW160                                                           iglidur  UW160      +70
           iglidur  T220                                                            iglidur  T220       +50
           iglidur  AX500                                                           iglidur  AX500      +130
           iglidur  Q2                                                              iglidur  Q2         +70
           iglidur  Q3E                                                             iglidur  Q3E        +75
           iglidur  Q                                                               iglidur  Q          +50
           iglidur  Q290                                                            iglidur  Q290       +80
           iglidur  M210                                                            iglidur  M210       +50
           iglidur  M260                                                            iglidur  M260       +80
           igutex  TX1                                                              igutex  TX1         +100
           igutex  TX2                                                              igutex  TX2         +100
           igutex  TX3                                                              igutex  TX3         +100
           iglidur  F                                                               iglidur  F          +105
           iglidur  F2                                                              iglidur  F2         +70
           iglidur  H4                                                              iglidur  H4         +110
           iglidur  UW                                                              iglidur  UW         +80
           iglidur  J UV                                                            iglidur  J UV       +60
           iglidur  N54                                                             iglidur  N54        +60
           iglidur  G V0                                                            iglidur  G V0       +100
           iglidur  J2                                                              iglidur  J2         +60
           iglidur  AB                                                              iglidur  AB         +50
           iglidur  RW370                                                           iglidur  RW370      +120
           iglidur  B                                                               iglidur  B          +50
           iglidur  C
                                                                                    iglidur  C
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  Table 04 (right): Temperature at which additional securing of the iglidur  plain bearing is required
 Picture 06: Material tests are possible up to +250°C  Diagram 10 (left): Comparison of the continuous and short-term upper application temperature limits [°C].
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