Page 784 - IGUS Bearing
P. 784

iglidur  tribo-tape | Advantages                                                                                         iglidur  tribo-tape | Technical data                                                           tribo-tape
        Versatile: iglidur  tribo-tape
                                                              Easy-to-fit protection                                             General properties                             Unit    iglidur ®  iglidur ®  iglidur ®  iglidur ®  Testing
                              Material: iglidur  A160                                                                            Material properties

                              ●  Low coefficient of friction  for all surfaces:                                                                                                          A160     B160    W160      V400      method
                              ●  Wear resistance: ++                                                                             Density                                       g/cm 3    1.00     1.00     0.95     1.51
                              ●  Up to +90°C                  iglidur  tribo-tape                                                Colour                                                  blue     black    white   cream-
                              u Page 786                                                                                                                                                                            white
                                                              igus  tribo-tape is designed for lining areas of wear              Max. moisture absorption at +23°C and 50% r.h.  % weight  0.1     0.1      0.1      0.1     DIN 53495
                                                              and where frequent maintenance is required, an                     Max. moisture absorption                     % weight    0.1      0.1      0.1      0.2
                                                              example is for machine beds etc. At just 0.5mm                     Coefficient of sliding friction, dynamic        µ       0.09 -    0.13 -    0.12 -    0.15 -
                                                              thick (0.71mm including the adhesive back), the                    against steel                                           0.19     0.20     0.20     0.20
                                                              space requirement is extremely low. The ease of                    Mechanical properties
                                                              use (the tape can simply be cut using scissors)                    Flexural modulus                               MPa     1,151     852      799      4,500    DIN 53457
                              Material: iglidur  B160         and optional self-adhesive back open up almost                     Flexural strength at +20°C                     MPa       19       14       14       95      DIN 53452
                                                              endless possibilities for the product's use.                       Shore D hardness                                         60       59       58       74      DIN 53505
                              ●  For use in visible areas     ●  Lubrication and maintenance-free                                Physical and thermal properties
                              ●  Wear resistance: ++++        ●  Easy to cut                                                     Max. long-term application temperature          °C      +90      +90      +90      +200
                              ●  Up to +90°C                  ●  For compact areas                                               Max. short-term application temperature         °C      +100     +100     +100     +240
                              u Page 787                      ●  With or without self-adhesive back                              Min. application temperature                    °C      -50       -50      -50      -50
                                                              ●  Standard widths from stock                                      Thermal conductivity                         W/m · K    0.30     0.32     0.30     0.24    ASTM C 177
                                                              ●  Individual required widths in continuous range                  Coefficient of thermal expansion (at +23°C)  K  · 10 -5  11       11       11        3      DIN 53752
                                                                from 10-500mm                                                    Electrical properties
                                                                                                                                 Specific transitional resistance               Ωcm     > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12   > 10 12  DIN IEC 93
                                                                                                                                 Surface resistance                              Ω      > 10 12  > 10 12  > 10 12   > 10 12  DIN 53482
                                                                                                                                 Table: Material properties table

                                                                                                                                 Chemical resistance (at +20°C)
                              Material: iglidur  W160
                                                                    Available from stock                                         Chemical resistance                       iglidur   A160  iglidur   B160  iglidur   W160  iglidur   V400
                              ●  White and UV-stabilised            Detailed information about delivery time online.             Alcohols                                       +               +               +              +
                              ●  Wear resistance: +++                                                                            Hydrocarbons                                   +               +               +              +
                              ●  Up to +90°C                        Operation temperatures:                                      Greases, oils without additives                +               +               +              +
                              u Page 788                            iglidur  A160:  -50°C up to  +90°C                           Fuels                                        + to 0          + to 0          + to 0           +
                                                                    iglidur  B160:  -50°C up to  +90°C                           Diluted acids                                  +               +               +              +
                                                                    iglidur  W160: -50°C up to  +90°C                            Strong acids                                   +               +               +              +
                                                                    iglidur  V400:  -50°C up to  +200°C                          Diluted alkalines                              +               +               +              +
                                                                    Differing temperatures with adhesive back                    Strong alkalines                               +               +               +              –
                                                                    (see product page)                                           Radiation Resistance [Gy] up to              1 · 10 5        1 · 10 5       1 · 10 5        2 · 10 4
                                                                                                                                 + resistant   0 conditionally resistant    – not resistant
                              Material: iglidur  V400               Product film                                                 All data given at room temperature [+20°C]
                              ●  High media resistance
                              ●  Wear resistance: +++++             Cutting service                                                    Unknown factors, temperatures, wet weather and many other ambient conditions impair the adhesion. It is therefore
                              ●  Up to +200°C (with                 Whether as a specially tailored by-the-metre                       essential that the use of iglidur  tribo-tape be tested under realistic conditions. We are happy to provide you
                                adhesive back, see                  product or freely designed pre-cut parts: We                       with samples for tests. All recommendations, as well as suggestions regarding use that are made, are based on
                                product page)                       produce your required product in required width                    experience gained in practice and tests where the basic conditions cannot be applied to other conditions of use.
                              u Page 789                            from our iglidur  tribo-tape. Please contact us.                   They are therefore not binding and do not release the buyer from the obligation to carry out his/her own tests. We
                                                                    u                              always recommend application-specific tests under real conditions of use.
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

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