Page 144 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  N                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  N
      low-profile    drylin  N low-profile linear guides | Product range                                                         drylin  N low-profile linear guides | Product range                                            low-profile
         linear                                                                                                                                                                                                                   linear
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Guide rails and carriages - installation size 40                                                            Suitable for aluminium construction profiles
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                          C        C1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      C1        C2
                                                               Type         Size   Options

                                                                drylin ®  N  Guide carriages  Type of carriage  Rail width  Pre-load  Floating bearing in   y-direction            C1     C5       C5  C4  L    C4    L    C6          C6
          Complete system                                                                                                         Standard   without holes   reflect                          A
                                                                                                                                                                                                K      A               Dp    K3    Dp Sp  K3      Sp
                                                              Type of carriage:        Floating bearing                                                                                      H2       H2  K
                                                              See selection aid        LLY:   y-direction                                                                       H                        h                        y  x
                                                              Options:                 LLZ:   z-direction                                                                               H                           h                 z
                                                              P: Pre-load              LLYZ:  yz-direction                         NW-01-40     NW-02-40                          h1             K1
                                                                                                                                                                                          h1   a           K1
                                                                                                                                                                     C5            C4                   a C6
        Guide rail - dimensions [mm]

         Part No.                        L     a    C4     C5 C6       h     h1   K1 73)  ly      lz    Weight                                                           A                           Dp
                                                                                                                                  NW-01-40-P   NW-02-40-P                                                  K3       Sp
                                        max.              min.  max.                     [mm ]   [mm ]   [g/m]                                                           H2  K
         NS-01-40-       72)           3,000  40    60    20   49.5   8.7   1.3   Ø4.5 26,400    970      450
         NS-01-40-UNGEBOHRT-          72)  3,000  40   –   –     –    8.7   1.3     –   26,400   970      450                                             H                           h
         NS-01-40-AR-       72)        3,000  40    60    20   49.5   8.7   1.3   Ø4.5 26,400    970      450
                                                                                                                                                             h1              K1
                                                                                                                                   NW-11-40     NW-12-40                   a
        Guide carriage - dimensions [mm]

         Part No.                H      A      C      C1     C2     H2     K     K3 74)  Sp    Dp 159)  Weight
                                ±0.35                                                                    [g]
         NW-01-40                9.5   23.0    50     40     20     1.3   Ø4.5     –      –      –      30.0
         NW-01-40-P              9.5   23.0    50     40     20     1.3   Ø4.5     –      –      –      30.0
         NW-11-40                9.5   23.0    52     40     20     1.3   Ø4.5     –      –      –      30.0                       NW-22-40
         NW-02-40                9.5   23.0    50     40     20      –      –     M4     5.0    6.5     30.0
         NW-02-40-P              9.5   23.0    50     40     20      –      –     M4     5.0    6.5     30.0                     Selection aid - guide carriage
         NW-12-40                9.5   23.0    52     40     20      –      –     M4     5.0    6.5     30.0                     Part No.        Single  Double Plain hole Threaded  Threaded  Pre-load  Solid   Clipped- Overmoul-High temp.
         NW-22-40      New       9.3   23.0    50     40     20      –      –     M4      –      –      12.0
                                                                                                                                                                           pin      hole             plastic    on       ded
        72)  Please give the required length in mm, symmetrical standard hole pattern C5=C6
        73)  For cap screw with low head (e.g. DIN 7984, DIN 6912, DIN 84, EN ISO 1707)                                          NW-01-40         •                •                                            •
        74)  Metal thread                                                                                                        NW-01-40-P       •                •                          •                 •
        159)  Hole min. Ø                                                                                                        NW-11-40         •                •                                                     •
                                                                                                                                 NW-02-40         •                         •                                   •
               All elements can be ordered individually or as assembled systems                                                  NW-02-40-P       •                         •                 •                 •
               NS-01-40-1500: Guide rail, installation size 40, 1,500mm length                                                   NW-12-40         •                         •                                            •
               NW-02-40-P-LLY: Guide carriage with threaded pin, installation size 40, pre-load, floating bearing in y-direction  NW-22-40 New    •                                  •                 •
               NK-02-40-02-500-LLY:  Complete system with two clipped-on guide carriages with threaded pins, installation
                                    size 40, floating bearing in y-direction and 500mm guide rails with standard holes
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        142 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              143
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