Page 297 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  Q                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drylin  Q
        square       drylin  Q square linear guides | Product range                                                              drylin  Q square linear guides | Product range                                                   square
         linear                                                                                                                                                                                                                   linear
        guides                                                                                                                                                                                                                    guides
                     Adjustable linear carriage with manual clamp                                                                Q20 pillow blocks
                                                                    Order key                                                                                                                Order key

                                                               Type             Size   Options                                                                                         Type                    Size

                                                                    Linear carriage  Standard design  Installation size  Manual clamp  QJRM-05-20             QJRMT-05-20                      Closed design  Tandem (optional)  Compact design  Installation size

                                                                Square  Adjustable                                                               H                            H          Square  iglidur ®  J  Metric

                                                                                                                                                   H1  H1                        H1
                                                                                                                                               d                 dQ          d
                   Kz    Kz        B2    B2                                    B1    B1                                                        d                      Qi
                                   E1    E1                                                                                    dQ dQ    Qi                            Qa
                                                                                                                                        A                             A
                                                                                                                                        E1                            E1
         Ky    Ky                                                                                                                       E1
            Dk    Dk
                                                       E2   E2                                                                  L  L
                                                 tg1  tg2  tg1  tg2                                                                                           L

                   kt3   kt3
                      kt4   kt4                                                                                                                                               E2
                                   tg4  tg4
                    D1   D1        tg3  tg3  kt2   kt2
                                            kt1   kt1
                                   Q     Q

        Dimensions [mm]                                                                                                          Technical data [mm]
         Part No.           Weight   M max.    B1     B2     D1     Q     E1     E2    tg1   tg2    tg3    tg4                   Part No.                  Weight                 Mx                       Surface pressure
                               [g]     [Nm]           h7                                                                                                    [kg]                 [Nm]               dynamic [N]           static [N]
         QWE-01-12-HKA         –        –      80     34     44    12     12     6     5.5    8      8      –                    QJRM-05-20                 0.25                  5                   1,500               10,500
         QWE-01-20-HKA        215       10     81     45     58    20     16     8     5.2    9.6    8     5.5                   QJRMT-05-20                0.55                  10                  1,500               10,500

                                                                                                                                 Dimensions [mm]

         Part No.               kt1         kt2         kt3         kt4         Dk          Ky          Kz                       Part No.                  A       H      H1      dQ      Qa       Qi     E1      E2       d       L
                                                                                                                                                                 ±0.02                                    ±0.15   ±0.15
         QWE-01-12-HKA           –           –           3         1.25         18          14          19                       QJRM-05-20               62      27      54      25      20      15      48       –       28      40
         QWE-01-20-HKA          6.4          2          2.7         1.5         28          18          19                       QJRMT-05-20              62      27      54      25      20      15      48      55       28      85

               The manual clamp was developed for simple tasks. The creep behaviour of the clamped plastic causes a reduction
               in clamping force over time (up to 70%). so no safety-relevant parts should be clamped. Please contact our technical
               consultant, if you require other options for the clamping.

        Can be combined with:                                                                                                    Can be combined with:
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        AWMQ-20                                                                                                                  AWMQ-20
        294 Online tools and more information u                                                                  3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              295
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