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dryspin  technology | Material properties                                                                                dryspin  technology | Material properties
        More combinations available in the thread section                                                                        Seven standard materials

        The right lead screw nut material for                                                                                    General properties              Unit    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur    iglidur
        every technical requirement                                                                                              Density                        [g/cm ]    1.49     1.44     1.39     1.46     1.05     1.24     1.72
                                                                                                                                 Colour                                   yellow   yellow     red     white  dark grey  yellow  matt grey
        dryspin  lead screw nuts are available in the standard   coefficients. These are made up of various components:
        range for every technical requirement. The range includes   base polymer for greater wear resistance, fibres and fillers   Max. moisture absorption at    [% weight]  0.3   0.3       0.2      0.2      0.1      1.3      0.2
        lead screw nuts made from seven lubrication-free iglidur     reinforce the components to absorb high forces. Solid       +23°C and 50% relative humidity
        high-performance polymers, in cylindrical type or flange   lubricants in our materials mean that the components          Max. water absorption        [% weight]   1.3      1.6       1.1      1.3      0.1      6.5      0.7
        variants. The iglidur  plastics enable the cost-effective   made from them are self-lubricating and thus reduce
        production of components for moving applications and   the friction of the system and reduce wear. With the use          pv value, max. (dry)         [MPa · m/s]  0.34     0.45     0.27     0.31     0.08     0.23     0.30
        are ideally suited for the production of prototypes and high   of iglidur  materials you increase the service life of your   Mechanical properties
        volume requirements. Due to its specifications, each material   components and reduce costs and maintenance. It doesn't
        becomes a specialist for a specific area of application.   matter whether it's a standard solution from the catalogue    Max. permissible surface
        The right iglidur  materials are available for almost every   product range or your lead screw nut in the desired shape,   pressure on the thread (DS(TR)   [MPa]  2.5 / 4.0 2.5 / 3.0 2.0 / 2.0 2.5 / 3.5 0.5 / 0.5  - / 5.0  2.0 / 2.0
        application from high temperatures to seawater, from food   desired quantity and desired material, manufactured by us    at +20°C
        to automotive . All materials have been specially developed   according to your drawing.                                 Shore D hardness                           74       80       77       76       61       77       70
        for dynamic applications and have low friction and wear
                                                                                                                                 Physical and thermal properties
                                                                                                                                 Max. continuous operating -
        ● 	Lubrication and maintenance-free                         Find and calculate suitable                                  temperature                     [°C]      +90      +150     +90      +90      +70      +90      +90
        ● 	Calculate service life online                            lead screw drives                                            Max. short-term operating tem-
        ● 	No minimum order value                                   u                  perature                        [°C]     +120      +150     +90      +90      +70      +180     +90
        ● 	No minimum order quantity
                                                                                                                                 Min. application temperature 191)  [°C]   -20      -20      -20       -20      -20      -20      -20

                                                                                                                                 Thermal conductivity          [W/m · K]   0.25     0.24     0.25     0.25     0.25     0.24     0.24
                                                                                                                                 Coefficient of thermal expansion    [K  · 10 ]  10  7        11       11       11        9        8
        Correct choice of material                                                                                               at +23°C
                                                                                                                                 Electrical properties
         iglidur  A180                                         iglidur  A180
         iglidur  E7                                           iglidur  E7                                                       Specific cont act  resistance  [Ωcm]     > 10 13  > 10 13  > 10 12  > 10 12   > 10 9  > 10 13   > 10 8
         iglidur  J                                            iglidur  J
         iglidur  J200                                         iglidur  J200                                                     Surface resistance               [Ω]     > 10 12  > 10 10  > 10 12  > 10 11   > 10 9  > 10 12   > 10 8
         iglidur  J350                                         iglidur  J350                                                     Chemical resistance
         iglidur  R                                            iglidur  R                                                        Alcohols                                   +        +        +        +         x      + to 0     +
                     0   10   50 150 200 400 500 1,000                    0   10    25   50   90 150 200 250
                                                                                                                                 Hydrocarbons                               +      + to 0     +        +         x        +        +
        Speed [rpm]                                           Temperature [°C]                                                   Greases, oils without additives            +        +        +        +         x        +        +
                                                                                                                                 Diluted acids                            0 to –     +      0 to –    0 to –     x      0 to –   0 to –
                                                                                                                                 Diluted alkalines                          +        +        +        +         x        +        +
         iglidur  A180                                         iglidur  A180                                                     Lubricants, mineral                        +        x        +        +         x        +        +
         iglidur  E7                                           iglidur  E7                                                       Lubricants, synthetic                      0        x        0        0         x        0        0
         iglidur  J                                            iglidur  J
         iglidur  J200                                         iglidur  J200                                                     More material properties u
         iglidur  J350                                         iglidur  J350                                                     Resistance classification: + resistant; 0 conditionally resistant; – not resistant; x no data available
         iglidur  R                                            iglidur  R                                                        The lead screw nuts are not chemically attacked by these substances. However, there may be a dimensional
                     0      1      2      3      4      5                 0   0.1 0.15  0.2 0.25  0.3 0.35  0.4                  change due to total moisture absorption.
        Surface pressure in the thread [MPa]                  Coefficient of friction [µ]                                        191)  With falling temperatures, the required drive torque can increase due to the material
        iglidur  J200 most suitable in combination with hard anodised aluminium                                    ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
        362 Online tools and more information u                                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               363
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