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dryspin  lead screw nuts | Material overview
        All our lead screw nuts are made from the wear-resistant iglidur  high-
        performance polymers.

        There are seven different standard materials available for different applications: iglidur  J - high efficiency          The base material is also reinforced by technical fibres   immediate surrounding area and to reduce the friction of
        at all speeds, iglidur  J350 - for temperatures up to +150°C, iglidur  A180 - FDA-compliant for the food                 or filling materials. The solid lubricants are microscopic   the system. These additives stabilise our lead screw nuts
        and pharmaceutical industry, iglidur  E7 - for high speeds with low loads, iglidur  R - anti-oscillation                 particles, embedded in millions of tiny chambers of the   decisively for wear resistance.
        and anti-vibration, iglidur  J200 - the best reverse partner for aluminium and iglidur  W300 - for high-                 material. This is adequate to sufficiently lubricate the
        load applications.

        Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  J -                Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  J350 - high-                    Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  J200 -            Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  E7 -
        high efficiency at all speeds                         temperature material up to +150°C                                  best mating partner for hard anodised aluminium      for high speeds at low loads
        Our all-rounder is the lead screw nut made of the high   Our threaded nuts made of the high-performance polymer          Our lead screw nut made of the high-performance polymer   Our lead screw nut made from the high-performance
        performance polymer iglidur  J. The material can be used   iglidur   J350 enable use in medium to high ambient           iglidur  J200 is characterised by a low coefficient of friction   polymer  iglidur   E7  offers  good  vibration-dampening
        at almost all speeds and is characterised by a high degree   temperatures. The long-term application temperature ideally   and minimal wear, especially on hard anodised aluminium   specifications and good coefficients of friction at low loads.
        of efficiency.                                        should be between +60 and +150°C in order to obtain the            lead screws.                                         Thanks to its vibration-dampening properties, speeds of up
                                                              maximum performance out of the material.                                                                                to 1,200rpm are possible.
        Other benefits:                                       Other benefits:                                                    Other benefits:                                      Other benefits:
        ● 	Low coefficient of friction - low wear rates       ● 	Dimensionally stable at high temperatures                       ● 	Best combination with aluminium lead screws       ● 	High speeds up to 1,200rpm at low
        ● 	Up to +90°C max. long-term application temperature  ● 	Can be certified according to EN 45545 HL3, R24                ● 	Low wear rates - long service life                   loads up to 200N
        ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure in the threads   ● 	Good coefficient of friction with medium loads              ● 	For low and medium loads                          ● 	Noise-dampening
           from 0MPa to 4.0MPa                                ● 	Up to +150°C max. long-term application temperature             ● 	Up to +90°C max. long-term application temperature  ● 	Up to +60°C max. long-term application
                                                              ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure in the threads            ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure in the threads   temperature
                                                                 from 0MPa to 3.0MPa                                               from 0MPa to 2.0MPa                                ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                         in the threads from 0MPa to 0.5MPa

        Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  R -                Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  A180 -                          Lead screw nuts made from iglidur  W300 -
        for medium to high speeds - vibration dampening       FDA-compliant for the food and pharmaceutical                      for heavy duty applications up to 5MPa
        Our lead screw nut made of the high-performance polymer   industries                                                     Our lead screw nut made of the high-performance polymer iglidur  W300 gives excellent wear resistance, even in harsh
        iglidur  R enables a reduction of the vibrations between the   Our lead screw nut made of the high-performance polymer   environments. Of all iglidur  materials, iglidur  W300 is the most resistant to these conditions. It should only be noted that
        lead screw and the lead screw nuts through its dampening   iglidur  A180 is FDA-compliant and suitable for applications   for lower loads or high dynamic applications, iglidur  J (all-rounder) is probably a better alternative, as the material tends
        properties and ensures a low-vibration and quiet running   with low to medium loads in the direct environment or         to vibrate at low loads due to its high strength. We will be happy to help you with the right material selection.
        behaviour.                                            contact with food or drugs as well as moisture.
        Other benefits:                                       Other benefits:                                                    Other benefits:
        ● 	High wear resistance at low loads                  ● 	FDA-compliant - for contact with food                           ● 	Wear-resistant at high loads - high static strength
        ● 	Soft material - vibration-dampening                ● 	Compliant with Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011                      ● 	For low speeds
        ● 	Up to +90°C max. long-term application temperature  ● 	Up to +90°C max. long-term application temperature             ● 	Up to +90°C max. long-term application temperature
        ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure in the threads   ● 	Permitted continuous surface pressure in the threads        ● 	recommended continuous surface pressure in the threads from 4.0MPa to 5.0MPa
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
           from 0MPa to 2.0MPa                                   from 0MPa to 3.5MPa

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