Page 43 - IGUS Linear
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drylin  linear technology | Slides instead of rolling!                                                                   drylin  linear technology | Slides instead of rolling!

        drylin  is a range of maintenance and lubrication-free linear plain bearings. This range includes linear units            d B                       d B                       Quiet
        with lead screw, rack and toothed belt drives. The focus is on, besides the freedom from maintenance                           Ball bearing                 drylin ®          The quiet operation is also a benefit of sliding rather than
        and lubrication, the ruggedness and insensitivity to influences such as dirt, water, chemicals, heat or                                                                       rolling. There are no loud collisions between a hard steel
        impacts.                                                                                                                                                                      ball and the glide surface. The sliding motion is extremely
                                                                                                                                                                                      quiet and only a light friction noise is audible.

                                                                                                                                           Speed                     Speed

                                                                                                                                 Figure 01: Comparison of noise development
                                                                                                                                                                                      Maximum stroke lengths
                                                                                                                                                                                      The lining up of guide rails (joining) poses no challenge for
                                                                                                                                                                                      drylin  linear guides. The guide rails are slightly chamfered,
        ● 	Maintenance-free                                   ● 	Dry operation                                                                                                        aligned and simply placed behind each other. The joint can
        ● 	Wear-resistant                                     ● 	Suited for short-stroke applications                                                                                 be passed over by the sliding element without problems.
        ● 	Resistant to impacts and vibrations                ● 	High static load capacity                                                                                            With the drylin  linear plain bearings, a ball or roller cannot
        ● 	Corrosion-resistant                                ● 	High speeds and accelerations possible                                                                               get stuck. In this way stroke lengths of more than 20
        ● 	Resistant to dirt, dust and humidity               ● 	Self-lubricating                                                                                                     meters can be implemented. Assembly is simplified by the
        ● 	Low coefficient of friction                        ● 	Extremely quiet operation                                                                                            distinctive joint marking provided at the factory.
        ● 	Weight reduction                                   ● 	Low level of magnetism
                                                                                                                                 Track joint
                                                              Optimum load distribution
                                                              drylin  linear plain bearings operate on sliding elements
                                                              unlike the traditional recirculating ball bearing systems. This
                                                              gives a larger contact surface resulting in lower surface
                                                              pressure. This leads to advantages which include:
                                                              ● 	The use of non-hardened shafts                                                                                       Permitted speeds/acceleration
        Rolling bearings - Point contact                      ● 	The use of non-metallic shafts                                                                                       drylin  linear plain bearings do without rollers and balls. This
                                                              ● 	Scratching and shaft damage is completely excluded
                                                                                                                                                                                      makes the bearing independent of the mass inertia of this
                                                                                                                                                                                      body and can be used with high speeds up to 10m/s and
                                                              Shafts and rail materials                                                                                               accelerations up to 100g.
                                                              The large surface area of drylin  linear plain bearings, when                                                           drylin  linear bearings are therefore especially suitable for
                                                              compared to traditional ball bearings, means that under a                                                               applications with light loads, where the speeds should be
                                                              given load the bearing pressure is greatly reduced. This                                                                increased. The use of hard-anodised aluminium as a friction
                                                              allows soft shaft materials to be used, including hard-                                                                 partner lowers the operating temperature in the bearing
                                                              anodised aluminium, which in turn gives additional benefits                                                             due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminium. Thus the
        Plain bearings - Surface contact                      in friction and wear rate values, carbon fibre shafts, which                                                            operation can be carried out with a high frequency even at
                                                              offer the lightest option and stainless steel for the highest                                                           very short stroke lengths.
                                                              chemical resistance. Of course, hardened steel and                                                                      The maximum average surface speed results from the
                                                              stainless steel shafts as well as hard-chromed shafts can                                                               load on the bearings. With decreasing surface load, higher
                                                              also be used with drylin  linear bearings.
                                                                                                                                                                                      speeds can be achieved. More important than the maximum
                                                              Dry operation, without lubrication                                 Thermal conductivity           [W / m ∙ K]           speed reached is the average speed over a period of time,
                                                                                                                                                                                      because this has the most influence on the heating of the
                                                              drylin  linear bearing systems are designed for dry operation.     Aluminium                         235                bearing system. In cases with breaks between the individual
                                                              As there is no grease or oil present, the application tends        Unalloyed steel                 48 - 58              cycles, the maximum average surface speed is critical,
        Resistant to dirt, dust and moisture - by lubrication   to naturally self clean, any particles are wiped away from       High-alloyed steel                15                 which is achieved during a period of 10 to 30 minutes.
        free insert and dirt channels.                        the sliding surface by the ribbed design of the drylin             Table 01: Thermal conductivity
                                                              polymer bearing. This works well in coarse dirt or even
                                                              sand. Particles are repelled from the contact surface by the       Average surface speed
                                                              movement itself. Here the front of the sliders works like a        = Travel distance per cycle [m] / total cycle time [sec].
                                                              wiper. The contact surface remains clean.            ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023
        40     Online tools and more information u                                                                                3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u              41
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