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dryspin                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dryspin
      lead screw     dryspin  | Special geometries | Product range                                                                                                                                                              lead screw
      technology                                                                                                                                                                                                                technology
                     Lead screw support blocks

                                                                                                                                       Order key                                             Order key

                                                                                                                                 Part No.  Thread   Options                            Part No.        Options

                                                                                                                                   Lead screw support   Fixed bearing  Option left-hand thread  Lead screw support   Lead screw/machined   end outer diameter  Fixed bearing

                                                              u Page 625                                                              block  Diameter  Pitch                                block

               Scope of delivery: Anodised lead screw
               support block                                                                                                     FL:  Fixed bearing
               FL:  Fixed bearing with anodised clamping   d1                                                                  S2 LL:  Floating bearing  S3            tk
                                           ts                                                                                    LH:   Left-hand thread option only for Tr10x2, Tr10x3,   d1
                  ring with RH thread (standard) and
                                      kt                                                                                              Tr18x4, Tr24x5              kt
                  maintenance-free iglidur  plain bearing 52)                                                                                            E3
               LL:  Floating bearing with lubrication-free
                                   H                                                                                         E6                                H
                  iglidur  plain bearing
                                      ha                                                                                                                          ha
        Fixed bearing                      S1                                                                                    Floating bearing                      S1  E5 E5
                   A                                                          tk tk       d1  d1                                           A                  S2 S2        E2 E2    S3 S3              tk tk       d1  d1
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ts ts
                   E1                                                                                                                      E1
                                                                         kt  kt                                                                                                                   kt  kt
                                                                                                                                                                                         E3  E3
                                                                      H  H                                                                                   E6  E6                            H  H
                                lt                                                                                                                       lt
                                                                         ha  ha                                                                                                                   ha  ha
                                                                              S1                                                                                                                       S1 S1
                                                      A A                                                                                                                  A A
                                                                                                                                                                           E1 E1
        Technical data and dimensions [mm] - (for both right and left-hand threads)                                              Dimensions [mm] - (for both right and left-hand threads)
         Part No.                    Weight       Max. static load capacity    S1           S2          S3                          A       H      E1      E2      E3      E5      E6       lt     kt      tk      ts      d1      ha
                                       [g]                  axial [N]
                                                                   lt  lt                                                                                                               lt  lt
         SLS-10X2-FL (-LH)             88                  700                 M8           –            –                         50      32      36       –       –       –       –      30      6.5     11      6.6     10      16
         SLS-10X2-LL                  115                    –                 M8          M4           M6                         50      32      36      27      6.5     40      20      30      6.5     11      6.6     10      16
         SLS-10X3-FL (-LH)             88                  700                 M8           –            –                         50      32      36       –       –       –       –      30      6.5     11      6.6     10      16
         SLS-10X3-LL                  115                    –                 M8          M4           M6                         50      32      36      27      6.5     40      20      30      6.5     11      6.6     10      16
         SLS-12X3-FL                  205                  1,600              M12           –            –                         72      46      54       –       –       –       –      36      8.6     15      9       12      23
         SLS-12X3-LL                  295                    –                M12          M4           M6                         72      46      54      27     13.5     40      20      36      8.6     15      9       12      23
         SLS-14X3-FL                  205                  1,600              M12           –            –                         72      46      54       –       –       –       –      36      8.6     15      9       14      23
         SLS-14X3-LL                   295                   –                M12           M4          M6                         72      46      54      27     13.5     40      20      36      8.6     15      9       14      23
        52)   FL lead screw support block with trapezoidal thread TR10x2, TR10x3, TR18x4, TR24x5 lead screw also
           available with clamping rings with left-hand thread
        53)  Can exceed max. stat. load of the lead screw nut
        54)  Lead screw end must be turned to d1 value
        55)  Lead screw end must be turned to 18mm                                                                 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        484 Online tools and more information u                                                 3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u   485
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