Page 574 - IGUS Linear
P. 574

        drylin  SLN | Miniature linear modules | Advantages                                                                      drylin  SLN | Miniature linear modules | Product range                                           linear
        Compact, precise and lubrication-free                                                                                    Miniature linear module, pre-load version
                                                              Lubrication-free                                                                     ● 	Based on maintenance-free
                                                                                                                                                      drylin  N low-profile linear guides    Order key
                                                              miniature linear                                                                        size 27
                                                                                                                                                   ● 	BB version (ball bearing) for    Order example
                               Shaft end supports made from    modules - drylin  SLN                                                                  minimal backlash run
                             corrosion-resistant, robust plastic                                                                                   ● 	Manual and motorised operation
                                                              drylin  SLN linear axes is a compact solution.
                                                              The axis  measures 28  x  22mm  and  can be                                          ● 	Linear carriage with individual
                                   Lead screw mounted with    configured with stroke lengths of up to 250mm.                                          height clearance adjustment and
                                        plain or ball bearings                                                                                        pre-load (optional)
                                                              Thanks to the lubrication-free plastic sliders, it                                                                                       Shaft end support design
                                                              is quiet and very light. The axis is based on the                                    ● 	Accessories available
                                                              tried-and-tested drylin  N system, size 27. It is                                       u Page 613                          Linear module    Carriage version
                                       Cost-effective, robust    available both mounted on plain bearings or on                                    ● 	Also see econ chapter                     drylin ®  N
                             plastic carriages (basic series 03)                                                                                      u Page 610                                   size 27        Pitch
                                                              ball bearings in the shaft end supports. The drylin
                                                              SLN linear axis can be adjusted manually using                                       ● 	Available with motor
                                        Carriage with manual    the hand wheel or combined with the drylin  E                                                                         Options:
                                  height clearance adjustment    stepper and DC motors.                                                                                               Shaft end support design Pitch
                                         (standard series 04)                                                                                                                         0: Plain bearing         0008: M5x0.8
                                                              ● 	Ultra-compact design                                             l2                hw                                1: Ball bearing          0050: Sg5x5
                                                              ● 	 3 carriage types (basic/adjustable/pre-load)                d2               T                                H     Carriage version         0008: Ds6.35x2.54
                                                              ● 	Lubrication-free drylin  low-profile linear                  H  ha                                                   4: Standard, adjustable  0127: Sg6.35x12.7
                                                                guide                                                                                                                   A
                                         Metal thread inserts                                                                                          l + Hub                        5: Standard, pre-load    0254: Ds6.35x25,4
                                                              ● 	Modular design                      l + Hub                          A
                                                                                                                                      lt                                    lt
                                                              Typical application areas                                             lb                t      Al     E2       lb
                               Minimal backlash with pre-load    	Sensor technology lt             t      Al      E2     lt                                                              l2                hw
                                         (pre-load series 05)   ●                 lb                                       lb                                                        d2               T
                                                              ● 	Inspection technology                                                                                           E1    ha                                              H
                                                              ● 	Laboratory technology                                         E1      Øts                  E3                                                                                 A
                                                                                                                                                                                                              l + Hube
                                                              ● 	Medical technology  Øts                                                                                                                     l + strok
                                             Rail made from                                               E3
                                         anodised aluminium                                                                      Technical data                                              lt
                                                                    Available in 3-8 days                                        Part No.             Max.        Weight      addit.   Max. static load capacity  Max.     E2 Max. drive
                                     Lead screws made from          Detailed information about delivery time online.                             stroke length 101)            [kg]        axial      radial     speed        torque
                                  stainless steel with pitch M5                                                                                       [mm]          [kg]    (per 100mm)    [N]         [N]        [rpm]        [Nm]     E1
                                (5x0.8mm) or high helix thread      Price breaks online                                          SLN-27-04            250          0.06        0.04        10  Øts     40         100          0.1
                                              (5x5, 6x12.7)         No minimum order value. No minimum order quantity            SLN-27-05            250          0.06        0.04        10          40         100          0.1
                                                                                                                                 SLN-27-14            250          0.06        0.04        10          40         300          0.1
                                                                    Carriage length: 35mm                                        SLN-27-15            250          0.06        0.04        10          40         300          0.1
                                                                    Stroke lengths: up to 250mm
                            Hand wheel available u Page 621
                                                                                                                                 Dimensions [mm]
                                                                    Product finder
                                                                    u                       Part No.        A    AI    H    E1    E2    E3 E11 102)  l   hw    lt   lb    ts     d2 98)  l2    ha
                                                                                                                                                ±0.2  -0.1  ±0.2  ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.15          ±0.2  ±0.2                Ø
                                         Configurable with
                                                motor as a                                                                       SLN-27-04      28    35    22   20.5  15    28   15    77   22.5  21     5    3.5  5 (4 h7)  15   14.5
                                            ready-to-install                                                                     SLN-27-05      28    35    22   20.5  15    28   15    77   22.5  21     5    3.5  5 (4 h7)  15   14.5
                                                linear drive                                                                     SLN-27-14      28    35    22   20.5  15    28   15    77   22.5  21     5    3.5  Ø4h9  98)  15  14.5
                                                                                                                                 SLN-27-15      28    35    22   20.5  15    28   15    77   22.5  21     5    3.5  Ø4h9  98)  15  14.5
                                                                                                                                 101)  Fixed stroke lengths for SLN option with ball bearings: 100/150/200/250mm  98)
                                                                                                                   ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023  thread visible
                                                                                                                                   The dimension E11 can only be found in conjunction with the igus  motor connection  Thread/ remaining

        572 Online tools and more information u                                                             3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               573
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