Page 606 - IGUS Linear
P. 606

        drylin       drylin  econ | Linear modules | Product range                                                               drylin  econ | Linear modules | Product range                                                    drylin
         econ                                                                                                                                                                                                                      econ
                     The SLW entry-level model                                                                                   The SLT entry-level model
                            ● 	Based on drylin  W profile                                                                                           ● 	Extremely cost-effective
                              guides                                Order key                                                                       ● 	Torque-resistant due to AWMQ          Order key
                            ● 	Clear anodised guide rails                                                                                              aluminium square profile
                            ● 	Torsion-resistant double shaft   Order example                                                                       ● 	Flexible design                 Order example
                              systems                                                                                                               ● 	Left or right-hand lead screw
                            ● 	Self-locking due to metric or                                                                                           option
                              trapezoidal thread                                                                                                    ● 	Carriage with many connection
                            ● 	Fast operation without self-                                                                                            options
                              locking due to dryspin  high
                              helix thread
                            ● 	Accessories available               Compact   Dimension  econ series                                                                                        Compact  Dimension  econ series
                              u Page 613

                                                                                                                                                                            lz                       Al
                                                                                  L + stroke                                                                                lz                       Al
                                                A                   lt   AI                          lt                          H  E4                                    dz
                                                                                                                                                       ha                                                                              D2
                                                                                                                                 H  E4                                    dz                                    f1                     D2
                                                                                                                                                 sg    ha                      lt
                                                                                                                                          as                                                                    f1              L2
                                                                        s                                                                        sg                            lt
                                                                       sk                                                                 as                                                       L + stroke                   L2

                                                                                                                                                                             lb                      E3
                                                                                                                                                                          b                   sg
                                                                                                                                                                             lb                E2    E3      f3
                                                      E1                                                                                                                                       E2            f3
        Technical data                                      L + stroke                                                           Technical data
         Part No.                    Max.           Weight         additional              Max. stat.                            Part No.        Max. stroke   Weight   additional       Max. stat.              Max.           Max.
                                 stroke length                     (per 100mm)           load capacity                                             length               (per 100mm)     load capacity      Rotational speed    Speed
                                     [mm]             [kg]            [kg]          axial [N]       radial [N]                                      [mm]        [kg]       [kg]      axial [N]  radial [N]       [rpm]          [m/min]
         SLWP-0630-E                 300             0.15            0.08             50              50                         SLTP-1012-E        300        0.147      0.081        50         100            250             0.5
         SLWP-1040-E                 500             0.30  lt        0.10             50              50

        Dimensions [mm]                                  l2                                                                      Dimensions [mm]
         Part No.               A     AI     H      E1     E2     E3     l     hw      f      lt    tk     ts                    Part No.          A       H      L +     AI      L2      D2      E1      E2      E3      E4      T 152)
                               -0.3   -0.3         ±0.2   ±0.2   ±0.15                       ±0.1                                                                stroke
         SLWP-0630-E           54     60     20     40     45     51    100    18.0   1.5    20     11     6.6                   SLTP-1012-E      47      26      70      30      17      10      23      19.5  8.5-24.5   20    Tr10x2
         SLWP-1040-E           74     29     29     60     16     –      73    23.5   1.5    22     11     6.8
                                                                                                                                 Part No.         lt     dz      lz     b       lb    sg 153)  ha     as     n      f1      f2     f3
         Part No.             kt       Øs         sk        d          T         l2          d2          ha
                                                                                                                                                        -0.05                        (DIN562)
                             ±0.1                                                          Standard
         SLWP-0630-E         8.0       5.0      6Kt M4      5.0     Tr8x1.5     15        Tr8x1.5 160)   9.5                     SLTP-1012-E      20     12     1.5     4.5    3.5    M3      13     31.5    M3      4      1       2
         SLWP-1040-E         9.0       6.3      6Kt M6      7.5     Tr10x2      17        Tr10x2 161)    14.5                    152)  Alternative: Tr10x3, Tr10x4P2, Ds10x12, Ds10x25, Ds10x50

        160)  Alternative: M8, Tr8x1,5, Ds8x10, Ds8x15                                                                           153)  6 pieces of M3-DIN562 screws included in delivery
        161)  Alternative: Tr10x2, Tr10x3, Ds10x12, Ds10x25, Ds10x50                                               ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

        604 Online tools and more information u                                                           3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u               605
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