Page 609 - IGUS Linear
P. 609

 drylin     drylin  econ | Linear modules | Product range  drylin  econ | Linear modules | Product range   drylin
 econ                                                                                                       econ
 The SHT miniature version  SHTP - the lightweight SHT entry-level model
 ● 	Miniature version           ● 	Very light
 ● 	Lightweight  Order key      ● 	Low-profile design                 Order key
 ● 	Cost-effective              ● 	Ideal for multi-carriage
 ● 	Corrosion-resistant  Order example  solutions               Order example
 ● 	Carriages and shaft end supports   ● 	Accessories available
 made from high-performance       u Page 613
 ● 	Accessories available
 SHT polymer  Design  Dimension  Shaft material                     SHT polymer  Design  Dimension
 u Page 613

  E3    H
  lt   E2   T   lt                                           I + stroke


  l2   d   E1   R   A

  s   ts
  kt   Ht
  ha    kt
   H    Ht

  R   f
 I + stroke
  E1   f
  ts   tk
 Technical data   lt  Technical data
 Part No.  Max.     Aluminium shaft  Max. static load capacity  More information  Part No.  Max.    Aluminium shaft  More information
 stroke length  Weight  additional [kg]  axial  radial   stroke length  Weight  additional [kg]
 [mm]   T  [kg]  (per 100mm)  [N]  [N]  [mm]  [kg]  (per 100mm)
  s  Carriage, square,   SHTP-01-10  350   0.2         0.08        Drive nut and linear bearings made from iglidur  J
 SHTP-01-06-AWM  300  0.11  0.06  50  50  with 4 symmetrical
  E3   Al  mounting holes

 Dimensions [mm]  Dimensions [mm]
 Part No.  A  AI  H  Ht  E1  E2  E3  l  R  f  kt  lt  tk  ts   ha  Part No.  A  AI  H  E1  E2  l  R  f  lt  tk  ts
                                                                                            ±0.1           +0.15
 SHTP-01-06-AWM  45  45  19  18  38  36.5  36.5  67  25  1  3  11  8  4.2  SHTP-01-10  70  26  25  56  62  78  40  2.5  26  8  5.5

 Part No.  Øs  d  l2  T  l2  d2 99)  ha  Part No.  Øs  sg  d  T  l2     d2 99)    ha     Max. static load capacity
  d2                                                                                         axial       radial
 SHTP-01-06-AWM  5.1  6  M8  15  M8  9                                                       [N]          [N]
 99)  Lead screw end unmachined (standard)  99)  Lead screw end unmachined (standard)  Tr08x1.5  15  Tr08x1.5  12.5  100  400
 ASEAN 09/2023  ASEAN 09/2023

 606 Online tools and more information u     3D CAD files, prices and delivery time online u  607
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