Page 10 - igus motion plastics®
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igus  services
        Made for you: 3D printing and CNC service

                                                                                 3D printing with abrasion-
                                                                                 resistant polymers plastics
                                                                                 Abrasion and wear-resistant tribo-
                                                                                 plastics for additive manufacturing
                                                                                 via  selective  laser  sintering  (SLS),
                                                                                 with filament (FDM/FFF) or resin
                                                                                 (DLP)  allow  you  to  use  the  printed
                                                                                 component or to test the function of
                                                                                 the part reliably and completely from
                                                                                 the prototype or production batch
                                                                                 • Abrasion-resistant
                                                                                 • Lubrication and maintenance-free
                                                                                 • No tooling costs
                                                                                 • Design freedom
                                                                                 • 3D printing of parts on site
                                                                                 • Can be processed by
                                                                                   commercially available 3D printers
                                                                                 • Predictable service life
                                                                                 • 3D printing service in 1 to 3 days


                                                                                                                                igus  Test & Integrate
          Individual machined parts
          Configure your wishes and receive                                                                                     From the idea to production
          direct price feedback. A large number
          of different iglidur  high-performance
          polymers are available to you. The                                                                                    Industrial robots have their price. The   Do you want to be on the safe side   customer project implementation and
          ideal iglidur  material can be found                                                                                  payback period for traditional robot   when it comes to implementing your   has access to igus  project experience.
          for almost every application, from                                                                                    systems are three to four years. But for   application?                This is how we work with you to find the
          high temperatures to sea water, from                                                                                  small and medium-sized companies    You are welcome to visit our customer   best possible solution.
          food to automotive. Various online                                                                                    that want to manufacture more product   test areas. We will show you the world
          tools and our experts are on hand to                                                                                  types with small batch sizes, the   of Low Cost Automation in more than   Typical integration services are:
          help for the selection of materials.                                                                                  requirements are very different. Entry   400m². As a proof of concept, we will   • Integrating a control system into
                                                                                                                                into the world of automation is often   perform a free handling test. Just send   existing machines
          Assign priority to your order:                                                                                        considered to be complex and time-  us your workpiece/object. In return, you   • Setting up and commissioning a robot
          If things have to go faster: select our                                                                               consuming. With Low Cost Automation   will receive a video of the test, or we will   • Integrating vision and image
          express option and your components                                                                                    we want to prove the opposite to you.   show you your application's feasibility   processing systems
          will be ready to ship in 3 days.                                                                                      Our goal is to make cost-effective and   live.                         • Assessing security measures and
                                                                                                                                user-friendly automation solutions                                       safety precautions
                                                                                                                                accessible to everyone. Developed and   The Low Cost Automation integration   • Individual project work
                                                                                                                                produced by igus  for the whole world.   network
                                                                                                                                All of this is made possible by motion   Do you need additional specialist
                                                                                                                                plastics .                          knowledge and manpower for integration?
                                                                                                                                                                    Our integrator network gives you access
                                                                                                                                                                    to experts familiar with our products.
                                                                                                                                                                    Each integrator brings experience in

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