Page 7 - igus motion plastics®
P. 7

The circular economy goes digital

        Sustainable product developments

        Plastic is a much-discussed material.
        We know that high-performance
        plastics can contribute to protecting
        resources and the environment, and we
        have made this the focus of our     Certified according to ISO 14001   Power consumption
        activities.                         In order to make our environmental   We purchase 100% green electricity
                                            policy transparent and comprehensible,   and reduce the consumption of our
                                            we have been certified according to   machinery and equipment. We acquire
        We look at plastics in three phases:
        during their production, in use and at   ISO standard 14001 since 2019, a   injection moulding machines that are
        the end of the product's life. We will   recognised basis for environmental   40% more energy efficient. The power
                                            management systems. This helps us
                                                                               consumption was reduced by 11% in
        give you our answers to sustainability   towards having a CO  neutral factory.  2021, while increasing production.
        questions for both our products and                  2
        everyday life at igus . Not everything
        has been answered yet, and for some
        things, especially with regard to                                                                                                        95t                     31.2%                                         150
        sustainable production, we are still
        working on answers and solutions.
                                            99% recycled                       clean igus  programme
        igus  has been focusing more and more   99% of our rejects in injection-moulding   Mechanical measures such as magnetic
        on sustainability in manufacturing and   production (sprues, defective parts) are   foils and guide plates prevent parts from
        products since 2018. As a result, we
        are now also able to state the carbon   recycled and reused in the manufacturing   falling out of the machines in the
                                                                               production process and becoming
        footprint of a large number of our                                     waste. The waste ratio (production                 of material returned as part of the                                     renewed IT equipment sold
        iglidur  plain bearings. In addition, there                            waste + processed material) could be               chainge  recycling program since    CO₂ savings 2021                    internally and proceeds
        are new products that are largely or                                                                                      2019                                compared to 2020*                   donated in 2022
        completely made from recycled material                                 reduced by 21% in 2021 due to these
                                                                               and other measures.
        from our own production. And these are
        also tested in the laboratory and have a
        predictable service life.
                                            CO  emissions                                                                                      196 64,409
                                            In 2021, we achieved 31.2% less CO
                                            emissions than in 2020.This figure
                                            relates to Scope 1 and Scope 2
                                            emissions. The switch to green electricity
                                            in mid-2021 and to climate-neutral gas
                                            in October 2021 played a key role here.
                                                                                                                                  new energy-efficient injection
                                                                                                                                  moulding machines, 275
                                                                                                                                  old machines exchanged for          trees planted since
                                                                                                                                  new ones between 2021 - 2022        2020

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