Page 3 - igus motion plastics®
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igus  facts at a glance

                                                                                                                                                                                         4,600 employees worldwide

                                                                                                                                                                                            €1.115 billion turnover

        Facts                                                                                                                                                                     31 locations + distributors in over 80 countries
        The story behind igus                   ®

        "Give me your most difficult part and I   injection-moulding  machine.   bearings to other components for
        will give you a solution", said Günter   The  manufacturing process was simply   moving applications and complex
        Blase. He had to take a risk in order to   too complicated. For Günter Blase, this   automation solutions. The core
        win over Pierburg, his very first customer.   was no reason to lose heart. He went   philosophy is still the same as in
        There were two children at home who   into his double garage and  experimented   1964, improve anything that moves.                                                                   188,000 customers
        needed to be cared for. Money was in   until the first perfect plastic valve plug
        short supply. He had just set up igus    emerged from the injection-   "Give us your most difficult moving
        with his wife (tax consultant) and the   moulding machine.             part and we will find a solution."
        first injection moulding machine still had
        to be bought. The order from Pierburg   The double garage in Cologne-Mülheim
        was urgently needed.               soon became too small. Just like the
                                           new location in Bergisch Gladbach.
        And Günter Blase received that enquiry   Today, the headquarters of igus  are still
        from Pierburg. Their complicated   in Cologne but accommodates over 800                                                                                                            243,000 parts from stock
        problem part was a valve cone for a   injection-moulding machines in an area
        carburettor. In 1964, no-one would have   of over 200,000m². In addition, igus
        come up with the idea of using plastic   has over 30 locations worldwide.
        to make this small metal  component   The business areas have expanded,
        and, what's more, to do so with an   from plastic energy chains and plain

                                                                                                                                                                                        800 injection-moulding machines
        motion plastics  ... improve what moves

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