Page 4 - igus motion plastics®
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Laboratory & development
        Our test laboratory

        Materials are manufactured by igus in   products together in one area. For   We would love to test your application       Laboratory facts                  What happens to the test data?     reliability of our products can be determined
        accordance with the motto “Tech up,   example, 1,500m² is dedicated to   You don't want to test and would like to                                           Use of testing data does not stop after   quickly and very easily online 24/7.
        Cost down”. Our products are designed   testing chainflex cables in our own   subject your application to a material      • Total area of igus  test laboratory:   development.We have been developing   This means a high degree of transparency
        with great passion to extend the service   energy chains. For especially long   test before using it? Or do you have an                                     innovative online tools since 2001 and   for our customers, enabling engineers to
        life of machines and applications,   travels, 2,000m² of outdoor space is   unusual application for which you need         3,800m²                          sensor-based smart plastics since 2016,   find the most cost-effective, functioning
        eliminate maintenance and reduce    available. iglidur  plain bearings, drylin    a suitable component? No problem. We    •  More than 15,000 tests, about   which are based on the database of our   solution to their problem.More than 40
        costs. For our engineers, the quality and   linear bearings, and our Low Cost   will test your application in our test     4,000 of them for e-chains  and   test laboratory results.With these online   tools are available to you free of charge.
        reliability of parts, i.e. their resilience and   Automation components are tested in   laboratory and use our know-how to        ®                         tools, the economic efficiency and
        service life, are vital factors in development.   an area of over 300m². The latter partly   find the best igus  solution for you.   chainflex  and around 11,000 of
        Every igus product is tested thoroughly   under real conditions in quality assurance.   Regardless of whether it is a plain   them for dry-tech  (rotating,
                                                                                                                                   pivoting, linear, tumbling, heated,
        before it is made available for sale. To   To be able to develop new cleanroom-  bearing, energy chain, cable, linear      underwater, and so on.)
        this end, we have been operating our   compatible products faster, we operate   technology, bar stock or Low Cost
        own test laboratory since 1985. It's not   our own cleanroom laboratory with an   Automation.
        only the largest test laboratory for   ISO Class 1 cleanroom system in                                                    • 450 test rigs for plain bearings
        tribopolymers in the industry in terms of   cooperation with the Fraunhofer IPA. An   How many tests are conducted in the   • 10 billion e-chain  cycles
        area, but it also conducts the highest   outdoor testing area, a laboratory for   test laboratory?
        number of product tests and test    noise tests and the climatic chamber   Annually, a large number of tests
        procedures.                         with -40°C completes our test area. To   and material examinations are conducted      • 3,500 tested cables
                                                                                                                                  • 400 customer-specific tests
                                            achieve maximum realistic conditions,   in the numerous test facilities.
        What is tested and how?             we also test customer applications and                                      
        Our facilities for testing applications   conduct standard industry tests.
        and materials cover a total of 3,800m².
        Every business sector has its own test
        laboratory. However, we test some

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