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igus  services
        Harnessed for you: readycable  and readychain                                          ®

                                                                                 Ready-to-install readychain  -
                                                                                 Energy supply systems
                                                                                 Energy chains from igus  are already
                                                                                 being reliably used in hundreds of
                                                                                 thousands of applications all over the
                                                                                 world.  From  small  devices  up
                                                                                 to steelworks, from very simple
                                                                                 linear applications up to the most
                                                                                 complicated task -  igus  offers
                                                                                 thousands of options for all types of
                                                                                 applications.  With  more  than
                                                                                 1,350  chainflex  cables from stock,
                                                                                 igus  offers the largest range of
                                                                                 cables specifically for the energy chain.
                                                                                 Thanks to the industry's largest test
                                                                                 laboratory, igus  is the only supplier in
                                                                                 the market able to offer a 4-year
                                                                                 guarantee on its chainflex  cables.
                                                                                 All common plug-in connections
                                                                                 and more than 5,000  drive cables
                                                                                 suitable for 34 manufacturer standards
                                                                                 are available.
                                                                                                                                igus  project

                                                                                                                                Tech up, Cost down: we take the     Project planning and quotation phase  Delivery and assembly
          Ready-to-connect readycable                                                                                           difficulty out of even the most     If you find our design attractive, we will   The pre-assembled energy supply is
          readycable  harnessed cables are                                                                                      complex energy supply systems.      work out further details with you. We    now delivered to the installation site.
          ready-to-connect cables for use in                                                                                    Conversion or new installation - special   will discuss all necessary solution    Here it can be installed by your fitters,
          energy chains. As a manufacturer                                                                                      solutions do not need to be expensive.   components: accessory parts and   optionally with an igus  supervisor.
          and harnesser, igus  offers everything                                                                                With more than twenty years of experience  services. We will use this basis to quote   Alternatively, installation and
          from one source, reducing throughput                                                                                  in project work and more than 1,000   a fixed price.                   commissioning can also be carried out
          times and the number of suppliers.                                                                                    projects each year, we have a rich                                     by the igus  installation service. You
          The portfolio includes an extensive                                                                                   modular system that makes it very easy   Project phase                 can find more information about our
          range of catalogue products, including                                                                                for us to assemble customer-specific   Our project team prepares detailed   after-sales services here:
          cables harnessed suitable for                                                                                         solutions. Our focus during these efforts   drawings with all components and
          34 manufacturers' standards and                                                                                       is always to avoid over-engineering. We   interfaces. Once they are approved, work
          various industrial standards as well                                                                                  consistently develop technically precise   begins in our 32,000m² production plant.
          as customised components produced                                                                                     solutions at the best price. If our    The energy supply system is assembled
          singly or in volume. Numerous                                                                                         customers want, we add installation   precisely for shipment, with all its
          cable types and qualities, with                                                                                       and maintenance service and an      components and attachments, ready to
          different approvals and certifications                                                                                individual guarantee.               connect and including  documentation.
          of conformity are available. All
          components are subjected to                                                                                           Conversion project or new development
          extensive quality checks and function                                                                                 – we provide you with on-site support
          tests.                                                                                                                Whether you are working with an initial
                                                                                                                                design or modernising an existing
                                                                                             system, igus  specialists will give you
                                                                                                                                on-site or remote assistance. Our goal:
                                                                                                                                Tech up, Cost down. It’s our job. You
                                                                                                                                receive a free design proposal.

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