Page 16 - Bosch Boiler House Component
P. 16

16 | Boiler house components

          Feed water cooling module FWM

          The flue gas temperature is an important criterion for    Thermal stresses caused by too cold feed water
          assessing the efficiency of a steam boiler system. Older     flowing into the boiler
          and smaller systems have often relatively high flue gas    Corrosion caused by unwanted condensation of the
          temperatures, which is accompanied by unnecessary      flue gas when it is cooled down too much
          high fuel costs. For systems with medium to high oper-
          ating hours technical solutions for reducing the flue gas   The feed water cooling module FWM is an effective
          losses such as condensing heat exchangers or air     and reliable method of reducing energy costs.
          preheating systems pays off quickly. However, the feed
          water cooling module is the most cost-effective alterna-  Equipment level
          tive for systems with lower operating hours. It is easy   The feed water cooling module consists of an insulated
          to retrofit and particularly suitable for:           plate-type heat exchanger, valves, pipe connection
           Boilers with low to medium condensate              pieces and temperature sensors. It is delivered instal-
            recirculation                                      lation-ready on a base frame. The dimensioning of the
           Systems without modules for fresh water            module and the parameterisation of the control are
            preheating                                         made specifically to order – based on the system’s
           In the case of continual hot water demand, e.g.    mode of operation.
            for office buildings or industrial processes
           Boiler systems with economizers but without        Benefits at a glance:
            downstream condensing heat exchangers               Up to 1.8 % fuel cost saving
           Boilers with low operating hours, e.g. production     Easy retrofitting to older systems thanks
            with single-shift operation                          to a small space requirement and simple piping
            Boilers with an output < 10 t/h                    Matched control for safe operation of the boiler and
          Construction                                          Quick amortisation, even on systems with few
          Cold make-up water is heated up in the feed water      operating hours
          cooling module by using the warm feed water in a heat    Ready for operation with just a few connections
          exchanger. As a result of the feed water cooling down,    Simple commissioning, operation and maintenance
          there is a larger temperature difference between the
          water and flue gas in the economizer. The flue gas
          outlet temperature decreases due to the better heat
          transfer in the economizer. The firing efficiency is thus
          enhanced by up to 1.8 %. The control of the module
          ensures that the temperatures and flow rates are al-
          ways within the permitted range. It thereby prevents:

                                                                       Water/Condensate  1  Feed water cooling module
                                                                       Steam           2  Economizer
                                                                       Flue gas        3  Steam boiler
                                                                                       4  Water service module
                                                                  Extremely simplified diagram
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