Page 33 - Bosch Controls and Connectivity
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32 | Controls and connectivity Controls and connectivity | 33
Reference: Fleischwaren Sutter GmbH
In the course of continuous factory optimisation, Sutter decided to introduce an energy manage-
ment system in its main production facility in Gau-Bickelheim. The resulting tax and cost benefits The SCO automatically reports boiler operation abnor- “I think it's great, how well the system has proved
have been used to partially compensate for the increase in energy costs over recent years, and in malities to the higher-level control technology, and as a itself in operation. For example, some days after the
addition many tons of CO 2 have been avoided. precaution it switches to the standby boiler, which has commissioning I found out through small differences in
been kept warm. the amount of energy that the setting of one of the
older valves in the automatic demineralisation system
The savings potential was analysed and evaluated at In comparison with the previous fuel oil burners with When a certified energy management system is being could be optimised. This would not have been noticed
the request of Mr Böhme, the Energy Manager at mechanical linkage, the new electronically controlled introduced, the consumption figures have to be cap- so quickly with a conventional system,” explains the
Sutter. The process heat supply with three oil-fired burners can modulate down to 350 kW, which enables tured on a regular basis in order to enable an analysis Bosch customer service engineer responsible for the
steam boilers was quickly identified as one of the them to be operated significantly more quietly and to be performed. Sutter opted for the higher-level system, Torsten Fischborn, during his first service visit
biggest energy consumers in the factory. “Previously efficiently at partial load. In addition to this, the losses automation system MEC System from Bosch. Thanks to after the modernisation.
we used to be supplied with around 30,000 litres of on the flue gas side were demonstrated to have been this system, the Energy Manager and the Technical
light fuel oil per week – and every week at a different reduced from six percent to five percent through the Managers can view the status of the system at any time The Energy Manager, Mr Böhme, expresses his satis-
price. The conversion to natural gas has improved our use of combustion control with oxygen probe. from their workplaces and can evaluate the recorded faction: “Despite the recent lower prices for light fuel
planning reliability in regard to our energy costs – this data. Each user can intuitively configure the view, in oil, we will already have saved over a quarter of a
is a benefit that we can pass on to our customers in Since the supply of spare parts for the aging burner order to have an overview of the relevant data. million euros in the first year, and the investment will
the form of stable prices,” explains Christian Böhme. control based on the Siemens Simatic C7 would pro b- be amortised after approximately three years – a
ably have become more difficult in the coming years, a worthwhile project and a considerable contribution to
In the course of the modernisation, dual-fuel burners state-of-the-art burner control system consisting of BCO re ducing our CO 2 emissions.”
were retrofitted and the existing fuel oil supply was and SCO was integrated during the modernisation. In
maintained as backup. If there are supply shortages in addition to the automated water treatment, the SCO
winter, the natural gas supplier can request short-term also undertakes, for example, the adaptive chan ging of
operation with light fuel oil. In return for this, the the primary boiler, so that stoppage damage to the
natural gas supplier waived the additional building backup boiler is prevented.
costs for laying the gas pipeline.
The system control from Bosch consists of:
▶ The controls for the individual boilers and their safety chains
▶ The sequence control and water treatment for the multi-boiler system
Sutter's process heat supply works with greater efficiency after the successful modernisation. ▶ The higher-level control system for the visualisation, recording and evaluation of operating data
▶ An interface for direct messages to the Technical Manager