Page 34 - Bosch Controls and Connectivity
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34 | Controls and connectivity                                                                                                                                                                              Controls and connectivity | 35

          Reference: MEC Optimize from Bosch provides                                                                            Our service: fast, competent and close

          high transparency                                                                                                      to our customers

          As part of expanding production, the Privatmolkerei Bechtel (dairy company) needed to renew their                      ▶   Over 100 boiler service experts in Germany
          process heat supply. Their boiler system, with nearly 30 tons of steam capacity per hour, is one                         and Austria
          of the first in the world with MEC Optimize.                                                                           ▶   Boiler service in over 140 countries around
                                                                                                                                   the world
                                                                                                                                 ▶  Over 100 CHP module service experts
          The Bechtel dairy processes more than one million    Another important optimisation aspect is the maxi-
          kilograms of milk per day. Complex production struc-  misation of the boiler service life. The most important
          tures and energy-intensive processes require compre-  influences here are the water characteristics and                Our service team – always available, always on-site
          hensive data analysis. This transparency is the basis of   the ope rating mode – both are often neglected in
          competitive production costs – decisive factors include   practice. MEC Optimize not only serves as a digital           Bosch Industriekessel
          preven ting system failures and minimising energy con-  boiler logbook but interprets the entered values and
          sumption. Bechtel had already introduced an energy   helps the operator to identify and correct conditions              Service
          management system as far back as 2012. Since 2017,   that  promote corrosion or are even safety-critical. In            24-hour hotline  Tel: +49 180 5667468*
          the company has also been using the digital efficiency   addition, the operating mode is analysed for incorrect
          assistant MEC Optimize from Bosch.                   start-up, inefficient boi ler sequence control and too             Spare parts
                                                               frequent boiler cycles.                                            24-hour hotline  Tel: +49 180 5010540*
          MEC Optimize is integrated in the boiler control and
          records all data from the steam boiler, water treat-  MEC Optimize also prevents production losses due to               Your personal
          ment, heat recovery facilities and other connected   interrupted process heat: the permissible loads and                on-site service
          plant components. The operating data is stored locally   switching cycles are stored for all important compo-           experts
          for many years and evaluated via trend analyses. If   nents. Based on the operating mode, the efficiency                Bosch KWK Systeme
          the fuel consumption increases, for example, due to   assistant determines the state of the component,
          excessive desalting rates or soiling in the boiler, the   predicts the probable residual run time and helps to          Service and
          efficiency assistant identifies and reports possible   plan maintenance. The other plant equipment from                 spare parts    Tel: +49 6406 9103-111                     Bosch company
          causes. At Bechtel, this is done through the company   Bosch for feed water deaeration, heat recovery and                                                                         Service region
          network of connected PCs or via a WiFi hotspot in the   automation rounds off the overall system and ensures           * 0.14 Euro/min. from German land line; max. 0.42 Euro/min from mobile network.    Service location
          boiler house to the tablet of the boiler attendant. For   low energy consumption.                                      Different charges may apply for calls from mobiles and international calls.     Service partner
          defined cases, there is an option to send notifications
          directly to the operator's mobile phone via the remote
          maintenance system MEC Remote.                                                                                                                                                                                                   35 35
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