Page 15 - Bosch Modernisation of Boiler Systems
P. 15
Modernisation of boiler systems | 15
In order to ensure the optimum water quality in the
boiler at any time, equipment for automatic desalting
and blow-down were retrofitted. The installed feed
water regulating modules also ensure that there is a
constant water level in the boiler. In addition to increa-
sing the level of automation these measures provide a
more steady operation with less material stress and
ensure that energy losses are reduced.
Thanks to the integration of a BCO boiler control, all
control functions and parameters can be visualised or
altered on the touchscreen display. With the integrated
“Condition Monitoring” software installed, the opera-
ting company benefits from a consistently high level of
efficiency and availability from its boiler system. A wide
range of data, such as for example flue gas temperature,
desalting quantity or boiler load, are analysed and evalu-
ated by the preventive monitoring system. The data are
depicted clearly for the operating personnel by means
of a traffic light model. The remote service link offers
additional support. On demand the brewery can grant
the Bosch service access for optimising parameters.
The consulting engineers Harald Moroschan from Muhr
am See were entrusted with the planning of the moder-
nisation project. The plant construction company Sell
Haustechnik GmbH from Helmbrechts installed the
equipment. The project was a full success and saves Using waste heat for preheating feed water saves fuel and
annually energy costs while significantly reducing CO2 protects the environment.
BCO boiler control with a preventive monitoring system ensures that there is a high level of transparency and simple boiler operation.