Page 12 - Bosch Modernisation of Boiler Systems
P. 12

12 | Modernisation of boiler systems

          Example of an application: Switching from oil

          to gas at a medium-sized German company

          A typical medium-sized German company with a 6-day week and double-shift operation is the basis for

          the following calculation example. The steam boiler is 15 years old and is mostly operated at partial load.
          Due to the extension of the gas supply network, the company can switch their boiler to natural gas.

           Load profile of industrial operation                 Key data
                                                                Steam boiler with an output of 10 t/h and an
             Boiler load in %                                   operational pressure of 10 bar, using light fuel oil and
             Annual operating hours                             a burner with mechanical linkage, without an
                                                                economizer and with a condensate rate of 2,000 kg/h:
           4,000 h                                              6 % oxygen-free, 50 % with oxygen, average load
           3,500 h                                              3,900 kg/h, 5,000 operating hours per year following
           3,000 h                                              the shown load profile.
           2,500 h             5,000 h of boiler operation
           2,000 h                                              Fuel and power prices
           1,500 h                                              ▶ Light fuel oil:   0.44 euro per kg (0.375 euro per l)
           1,000 h                                              ▶ Natural gas H:   0.30 euro per m3N
            500 h
                                                                ▶ Power:          0.16 euro per kWh
              0 h                                               ▶ Water price:    2 euro per m3
                     0 %   20 %  40 %  60 %  80 %  100 %
                                                                ▶ Waste water price:  2 euro per m3

          The conclusion
          The customer undertakes extensive modernisation of the   There is a total saving of 5 million euros over the predicted
          system, including integration of heat recovery units. The   remaining lifespan of the boiler of 15 years – a significant
          renewal of the burner is amortised in just four months   contribution to increasing competitiveness and profitability.
          and the entire investment in less than seven months.

           Modernisation measure*           Cost saving      CO2 reduction     Investment        Amortisation
                                            in euros         in tons           in euros          time in months
           Switching to natural gas         244,000          2,000             80,000            4
           Economizer                       55,000           370               50,000            11
           Condensing heat exchanger        46,000           310               60,000            16
           Fan speed control                6,000            20                10,000            19
           O2 and CO control                5,000            30                15,000            40

           Heat recovery from desalting     18,000           120               10,000            6
           Total                            374,000          2,850             225,000           7

          *   Depending on load behaviour and condensate parameters, other measures such as air preheaters, feed water coolers, vapour heat
           exchangers or condensate heat exchangers may be financially justifiable.
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