Page 363 - พินิจด้วยรัก พิทักษ์ด้วยใจ : พัฒนาสุขภาวะเด็กไทย ด้วยการวิจัยเชิงปฏิบัติการ
P. 363
before and after the activities found that young people were awared,
of stress, emotional endurance more strength in life. Youth knows how
to manage stress/emotions options. and can choose to apply healthy
stress/emotion management methods their own properly and correctly
which the organization of activities to enhance mental health smoke
free and encourage youth to be able to change behaviors to manage
their own stress/emotions.
Smoking cessation behavior and smoke free environment
management of children and youth in the Child and Youth Men’s
Training Center, Ban Mutita before and after the activities. It found that
organizing a environment within the Child and Youth Training Center,
Ban Mutita clear identification of smoke-free areas. There is a
surveillance system.
The opportunity Involve children and young people in
recognizing, observing, caring, and finding appropriate reasons for
quitting smoking. and cooperation in the campaign and monitoring the
reduction and cessation of smoking systematically. As a result, youth
are more likely to reduce and quit smoking. Using the correct method
to reduce and quit smoking until the end of the nicotine addiction
period can relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. and never
relapse back to use again.
362 พินิจด้วยรัก พิทักษ์ด้วยใจ:พัฒนาสุขภาวะเด็กไทยด้วยการวิจัยเชิงปฏิบัติการ
Consider with Love, Protect with Heart: Health Development among Youth via Participation Action Research