Page 931 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 931

chainflex …                                                          ... lasts or your money back!

                                                              The tricks and ingenious features of...                              ...the chainflex  design and why we feel so confident about this design

                                                              From the customer's point of view, a flexible energy supply          Bundled design tried and tested millions of
                                                              system needs to function properly. However, this demand              times since 1989
                                                              assumes the perfect operation of all components, including
                                                              the cables being used in this system. And this is exactly where      The bundled design eliminates these problems by means
                                                              problems came up in the early 1980s. Due to constantly               of its very sophisticated, internal structure. Here, the core   Dictionary
                                                              increasing loads resulting from the constant movement, guided        wires are wound with a special pitch length first and then the
                                                              cables often failed even though the energy supply system itself      resulting cores are bundled. For large cross sections, this
                                                              was functioning perfectly. In extreme cases, failures caused by      is done around a strain relief element. The next step is the   of defects
                                                              "corkscrews" and core ruptures brought the entire production         winding of these bundles around a tension-proof centre cord
                                  Cores wound                 process to a standstill and resulted in high costs.                    see picture 2.
                                  in layers                                                                                                                                                 Broken wires
                                                              In order to find a solution to this problem for its customers,       Due to this multiple winding of the cores, all cores move
             Extruded, non-tension-proof           Picture 1:    igus  decided to take the initiative. As the first worldwide      through the inner radius and the outer radius of the cable
             centre element                    Chain-suitable                                                                                                                               Failure of electric conductivity due to broken copper
                                              cable wound in   company to do so, igus  began to develop complete energy            several times at identical spacing distances. Tensile and   wires as a result of subjecting the individual cores to
                                                      layers  chain systems. chainflex  cables and energy chains are now           compressive forces balance one another around the high-  mechanical load under constant bending stress. In
                             Single-wire bundles              being offered from one source and with a system guarantee            tensile centre cord giving the structure its stability. In this way,   most cases, the causes are incorrect strand wires
                             with short pitch                 depending on the individual application. Based on the                the structure remains stable even under maximum bending   and/or incorrect stranding pitch directions and
                             lengths                          increasing know-how gained since 1989 and on the very                stress   see picture 3.                                  lengths.
                                                              sophisticated series of tests that have been conducted since
                                                              then, design principles were, and still are, being developed                                                                  Insulation damage
                                                              that help prevent machine downtime in factories throughout         Picture 4: Shielded "chain-suitable" control cable after only
                                                              the world today.                                                   400,000 double strokes with a bending factor of 10 x d     Short circuits due to damage to the insulation around
                                                                                                                                                                                            the conductor. The cause can be material fatigue
                                                              How can "corkscrews" be prevented?                                                                                            under constant bending stress or material abrasion
                                                                                                                                                                                            within the core structure. Single wire breakage of the
                                                              Here, the term "corkscrew" does not refer to a useful                                                                         conductor or the shield braid result in perforation of
                          Centre                              instrument for wine connoisseurs. Instead, it refers to the                                                                   the insulation.
                          element for                         permanent deformation of guided, moving cables caused by
                          high tensile                        excessive strain - which, in most cases, results in core rupture                                                              Corkscrew
                                                              almost immediately afterwards. How does this happen? How                                                                      An externally detectable corkscrew-like deformation
                                                              can "corkscrews" be prevented? An important factor here - in         What are EMC problems and shield wire                    of the entire cable due to broken copper wires as the
                                                              addition to a sensible design of the total energy chain system       breakage?                                                result of subjecting the individual cores to mechanical
                                                              - is the construction of the cables. Simply speaking, a clear                                                                 load during the bending process. In most cases, the
                                                              distinction can be made between cables braided in bundles            In principle, cable shields must fulfill two tasks:      causes are poor structure (winding in layers, missing
                                                              and cables wound in layers   see pictures 1 and 2.                      Preventing interference getting into the cable        centre, loose jackets extruded to the form of a "tube")
                           Highly abrasion-                                                                                           Preventing interference being transmitted out of the cable  and subjecting the cables to high bending stress.
                           resistant, gusset-      Picture 2:    Properties of winding in layers
                           filling extruded    Stranding and                                                                       Both tasks are equally important because faulty signals can   Jacket abrasion
                           jacket             core structures   Winding in layers is significantly easier to produce and is        cause considerable consequential damage in the system
                 Overall shield           of a chainflex  cable  therefore offered on the market in so-called "chain-suitable"     itself as well as to any external systems. Furthermore, this is   The jacket is abraded down to the cores or to the
                                                                                                                                                                                            shield. In most cases, the causes are incorrect
                 with optimised                               cables at low cost. But what appears to be tempting at first         especially problematic due to the fact that incorrect shielding
                 braiding angle                               glance can quickly turn into an expensive mistake when a             usually cannot be detected from outside, and this is something   selection of materials and/or unfavourable extrusion
                                                   Picture 3:                                                                                                                               processes resulting in poor surface properties such
                                                igus  bundled   "corkscrew" immobilises the system being operated with these       that makes the trouble-shooting procedure extremely difficult.   that abrasion is an unavoidable effect.
                                               design around   cables. How do these problems arise? Looking at the cable           How do these kinds of problems arise in the first place?
                                                 centre cord  structure can be quite helpful   see picture 1.                      Once again, the answer is to be found in the internal structure   Jacket swelling/jacket breakage
                        Gusset-filling                        In the case of winding in layers, the cable cores are mostly         of the cable itself: Is the shielding designed for the movements
                        extruded inner                        wound more or less firmly and relatively long in several layers      of the cable? Although it may be very easy to shield a fixed   Jacket becomes soft and deformed or breaks until
                        jacket                                around a centre and are then provided with a jacket extruded         cable, it is much more difficult to guarantee the permanent   the cores/shield can be seen. The cause can be the
                                                              to the form of a tube. In the case of shielded cables, the cores     shielding of a moving cable.                             incorrect selection of materials with respect to the oils
                                                              are wrapped up with fleece or foils. But what happens to a                                                                    or other chemical substances being used.
                                                              similarly structured 12-core cable, for example, during normal       In the case of so-called "chain-suitable" cables, for example,
                                                              operation?                                                           an intermediate layer is formed with foils or fleeces. This layer   Shielding losses/EMC problems
                                                                                                                                   is supposed to guarantee the separation between the cores
                                                              The bending process compresses the inner radius of the               and the shield braid. But something that functions quite well   Electromagnetic interferences inside or outside an
                                                              cable and stretches the outer radius. Initially, this works quite    for the fixed installation of cables is quite insufficient for moving   electric cable. In most cases, the cause is shield wire
                                                              well because the elasticity of the material is sufficient. But       cables. This has to do with the fact that the foils and fleeces   breakage due to mechanical overload with incorrect
                                                              very soon, material fatigue causes permanent deformations,           do not stay put between the cores, shield and jacket and   shield braid angles. Other causes include loose
                                                              and then, due to excursion from the specified paths, the             may fall apart under stress. Consequently, the metallic shield   braids over foils without supporting effects or very
                                                              cores make their own compression and tension zones: The              then rubs on the insulation of the cores - short circuits can   open coverings.
           element for                                        corkscrew is created, often followed rather quickly by core          then be expected.
           high tensile                                       ruptures.
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