Page 933 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 933

chainflex …                                                          ... lasts or your money back!

                                                              The tricks and ingenious features of...                              ...the chainflex  design and why we feel so confident about this design

                                                              The production of the shield itself is very time-consuming           Gusset-filling extruded jacket                    the cores during the winding process, are completely filled
                                                              and cost-intensive and may have been the reason for the                                                                with jacket material by the high extrusion pressure. As a result,
                                                              use of open braid shields or even simple wire wrappings.             Here, not only is the material an important factor but also   the jacket material creates a channel-like guide which ensures
                                                              The disadvantages are obvious: open shields only possess             the production process. In the case of the so-called "chain-  the cores have a defined longitudinal movement. The jacket
                                                              a limited shielding effect when moving - motion reduces this         suitable" cables, the jackets are usually produced extruded to   also provides a supporting function for the structure.   see
                                                              effect even further. The type of shield is therefore an important    the form of a tube and therefore do not provide the structure   picture 2.
                                                              point that is not even mentioned in some catalogues.                 with the necessary support for constant bending. The wound
                                                                                                                                   structure can fall apart.                         The quality bundles of igus  chainflex
                                                              In its approx. 70% linear and approx. 90% optical coverage                                                             cables
                                                              cables, igus  eliminates these weaknesses by means of an             Therefore, igus  is the first manufacturer of energy chain
                                                              optimised internal structure. In virtually all shielded chainflex    systems to offer the so-called the "gusset-filling extruded"    Strain-relieving centre
                                                              cables, a gusset-filling extruded inner jacket over the core         jacket.                                             Cores in bundles
                                                              structure is used. This "second jacket" fulfils two tasks:                                                                Gusset-filling extruded inner
                                                                                                                                   Here, the jacket material is injected between the core structure   jacket in shielded cables
                                                                 It holds the core structure together and guides the               powdered with talc and ensures that the core structure does    Enclosed shield braid
                                                                individual cores as in a channel.                                  not open up and also makes sure that the cores are guided    Optimised shield braiding angle
                                                                 It serves as a firm, round base for a very tight-fitting          as in a channel. The special characteristic of this type of     Gusset-filling extruded jacket
                                                                shield.   see picture 1.                                           production is that the intermediate spaces created between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Picture 2:
                                                              Shield wire breakage - and how this can                                                                                                  Gusset-filling extruded
                                                              be prevented                                                                                                                                          jacket

                                                              Even during the production of the shield, there are many things
                                                              that can be done correctly - or incorrectly. Here, an important
                                                              parameter is the braiding angle.                                     7 basic rules for a good cable
                                                              In the case of "chain-suitable" cables, tensile load on the
                                                              shield wires in the outer radius of the cable must be taken
                                                              into account. If an unfavourable braiding angle is used, the
                                                              tensile load increases even further and shield wire breakage         1. Strain-relieving centre
                                                              is the result. The consequences range from reduced shielding         Clear space is created in the centre of a cable according to   4. Structure
                                                              effects right up to short circuits whenever the sharp wire ends      the number of cores and the cross section of each cable. This   The structure must be wound around a stable, tension-proof
                                                              penetrate through the fleeces or foils into the cores. Here is       centre should be filled, as far as possible, with a genuine centre   centre with an optimised short pitch length. However, due
                                                              a useful tip: If, after the insulation has been stripped off, the    cord (and not, as frequently the case, with fillers or dummy   to the insulating materials being used, this wound structure
                                                              shield can be easily pushed back over the jacket, the shield         cores consisting of waste materials). These measures will then   should still used. Starting from a quantity of 12 cores, a
                                                              is then usually unsuitable for use in moving energy supply           efficiently protect the structure and prevent it from wandering   bundled design should be used.
                                                              systems! This is a problem that igus  has now solved with its        into the middle of the cable.
                                                              novel approach:                                                                                                        5. Inner jacket
                                                                                                                                   2. Stranded core
                                                                 The shield braiding angle determined in long-term tests                                                             A gusset-filling extruded inner jacket must be used instead of
                                                                efficiently neutralises the tensile strengths and is therefore     With respect to the selection of core strand wires, the maximum   inexpensive fleeces, fillers or accessory fillers. This measure
               Jac ket b reak age of                            highly suitable for energy chains.                                 flexibility has proved to be the best solution. Although very   ensures that the core structure is efficiently guided in
               (36x0.14mm ) after only                           Due to the stable inner jacket, the shield cannot become          flexible conductors can be made using very thin individual   longitudinal direction. Moreover, the wound structure cannot
               900,000 double strokes with                      uncontrolled.                                                      wires, these conductors can allow formation of kinks. Long-  fall apart or wander off.
               a bend radius factor of 7.8 x d                                                                                     term testing provided the result of a combination of strand wire
                                                                 The shield itself has a torsion protection effect on the
                                                                wound structure.                                                   diameter, pitch length and pitch direction as the best overall   6. Shielding
                                                                                                                                   bending-resistant solution.                       The overall shield should be made tight using an optimised
                                                                                                                                                                                     shield braiding angle over an extruded inner jacket. Loose
                                                                                                                                   3. Core insulation                                open braids or wrapped stranding reduce the EMC protection
                                                              Jacket abrasion/jacket breakage                                      The insulation materials must be made so that they do not stick   considerably and can fail very quickly due to shield wire
                                                                                                                                   to one another within the cable. Furthermore, the insulation   breakage. A tight total braid shield also has a torsion protection
                                                              Whilst defects in the internal structure are hardly detectable       is also required to support the stranded individual wires of   effect on the wound structure.
                                                              on the outside, jacket problems are immediately obvious.             the conductor. Accordingly, only the highest-quality, high-
                                                              The jacket is the first protection for the complicated internal      pressure-extruded PVC or TPE materials that have proved   7. Outer jacket
                                                              structure. This is why broken, worn and swollen jackets are          their tested reliability in millions of core kilometres are then
                                                              a serious quality defect. To prevent this problem, the igus          used in energy chain applications.                The material-optimised outer jacket can fulfil many different
                                                              customer can select from 7 jacket materials to adapt their                                                             requirements: from UV-resistant to low-temperature-flexible,
                                                              energy chain cables to suit the conditions of the respective                                                           and from oil-resistant to cost-optimised. But these outer
            Picture  1:  Optimised  shield  braiding  angle  over   environment.                                                                                                     jackets must have one thing in common: A jacket material
            gusset-filling extruded inner jacket                                                                                                                                     must be highly abrasion-resistant but not be allowed to stick
                                                                                                                                                                                     to anything. It must be flexible but also provide a supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                     function. In any case, the jacket should also be extruded under
                                                                                                                                                                                     pressure (gusset-filling).

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