Page 938 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 938
Example: Test 4866
9 year continuous test
chainflex Profinet
Bending tests in e-chain with chainflex :
Profinet bus cable lasts for more than 65 million double strokes.
Due to its extensive equipment, the igus laboratory with a In test 4866, the following question was posed:
floor area of 3,800m offers the necessary environment to To what extent is the continuous bending of the Profinet bus
carry out continuous flexing tests under real-world conditions, cable of the chainflex CFBUS.060 type affecting the electrical
even over many years. Only these real long-term tests lead to transmission quality.
the necessary understanding of the behaviour of cable design Or, in other words, if a chainflex bus cable is moved in an
and materials. e-chain for years, can secure data transmission still be
These long-term studies are used to equip the chainflex expected?
online service life calculator with its data.
The chainflex online service life calculator offers the user The CFBUS.060 Profinet cable has been in the long-term test
the great advantage of being able to determine the expected since 2013 and has covered over 65 million double strokes
service life in advance so as not to be surprised by unscheduled without a measurable change in the electrical properties.
breakdowns due to the cable.
Details of the test online:
A test result from the igus database
Test no. 4866
Bend radius factor Calculate service life online:
in e-chain ® 8.5 x d
Measuring device Fluke DTX-ELT
Double strokes
without damage 29 million
Linear chain tests with continuous monitoring of the electrical cable parameters
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