Page 943 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 943
Example: tested, Structure and materials Number of double strokes
The main reason for the major differences in service life is the
differing structural parameters of test item "A" and test item
tested, tested! "B" (CFBUS.001), as well as the different materials used for
producing the cables.
The conductor insulation of the bus pair comprised of a foam
material for both test items. The electrical properties of this
"Millions of double strokes" material ensured better transmission properties were achieved. Test item "A" Test item "B"
A disadvantage of this material, however, was its weakness
under mechanical stresses. The forces which affect the bus
pair should be absorbed by the element insulation in order
in an energy chain to alleviate the mechanical stress on a conductor insulation. The extremely short pitch of the core strands ensure that no
Highly-elastic element insulation
great tensile or compressive force has an effect on a long
For this reason, test item "B" (igus ) was provided with a length of core. So relatively small bend radii with high cycle
rates can be realised.
mechanically superior, extruded TPE inner, or element,
gusset-filling insulation, in order to protect the bus pair against New: UL and CSA approval
Profibus cables for constant Differences in service life mechanical influences during the bending procedure. The chainflex CFBUS cables are now also available for all standard
element insulation must be highly elastic. A mechanically
moving industrial use At the beginning of 2002, a test to determine the service life of inferior element insulation made of inexpensive filling material field bus systems, complete with UL and CSA approval and
Profibus cables in a real application was commissioned in igus only serves to make the bus pair round, just like often used DESINA compliance. The highly abrasion-resistant, flame-
For customers, it is hard to get an overview of the cable test laboratory. The aim was to examine any differences in the fillers or banding. It is not able to protect the bus pairs from retardant TPE outer jacket is extruded onto the fully braided
market. Competition between cable suppliers is intensifying service life of igus’ CFBUS.001 chainflex cable and another the high degree of mechanical stress present in the chain. shield with an optimised angle in order to provide the cable
and manufacturers are outshining one another with their market leading Profibus cable. The parameters required for Tensile and compressive forces which occur particularly affect with additional stability.
promises to "guarantee service life for cables used in energy the test were selected on the basis of data contained in the those parts of the cable core in which there is a break in the
chains". Catalogues claim ten million - or even as many as 50 competitor’s catalogue: element insulation. The bus elements wound with a particularly short pitch are
million - double strokes service life of cables used in moving protected by means of a gap-filling, extruded TPE inner
applications. jacket. The bus parameters required are fulfilled by means of
Catalogue details Test item "A" Test item "B" a combination of optimised insulating materials and production
Taking a closer look at figures claimed, one must ask what Twin-core igus chainflex procedures.
testing was done, or how realistic the tests carried out actually Profibus cable CFBUS.001
were (for example length of travel, test radii, etc.) in order to Cross section (2 x AWG24)C (2 x 0.25mm )C Test parameters As with all chainflex cables, the new standard field bus cables
be able to provide such a guarantee. Even information stating To be determined in Travel distance: S = 5.0m of the CFBUS series are now available ex-stock, without any
that cables are tested in accordance with VDE (Association of Guaranteed service life Min. 4.0 million cycles a test Speed, approx.: V = 3.5m/s cutting costs or extra charges for small quantities.
German electrical engineers) 0472, part 603, test method H, Bend radius > = 60mm 85mm 2
is not helpful when it comes to determining the service life of Acceleration, approx.: a = 7.5m/s
a cable in energy chains, since the roller testing stand cannot Diameter 8.0mm 8.5mm Bend radius, approx.: 55mm
provide any conclusive results and there is no VDE test for Catalogue details Issue 2002 Issue 2002 The insulation of test item "B" (CFBUS.001) is on the one hand
special cables in energy chains. Table 2: Test parameters according to catalogue data of the characterised by a mechanically superior, gusset-filling TPE
competition element jacket, which mechanically relieves the bus pair, fixes Product information CFBUS
the cores in a defined position. Page 204
A gliding application was chosen as a suitable test structure
since Profibus cable systems are often used here because
of their data integrity, particularly over long travel lengths and
transmission distances.
In order to be able to carry out non-destructive testing and
achieve a large number of bending cycles in a short period of
time, a genuine Profibus transmission path was constructed.
In a PC at the fixed end of the test chain there was a Profibus
master insert card. A connection to a profibus slave was
located on the moving end. This enabled the transmission rate
to be determined with the help of a diagnostic program. Any
data packets which might have been transmitted incorrectly
would be indicated. The highest-possible transmission rate of
12 megabits/s was set.
Position of the broken
This important test, which commenced at the beginning of
2002 and is still in progress today, showed that only a relatively element insulation
low number of cycles (420,000) led to the total failure of test
item "A", which, according to the competitor’s catalogue,
should have functioned safely for at least 4.0 million cycles.
Thus the real lifetime reaches only about 10% of the stated
catalogue value.
On the other hand test item "B", the CFBUS.001, is still Position of the broken
undergoing testing without any faulty data transmissions. So core insulation
far, it has accomplished more than 14.0 million double strokes.
Picture 1: Gliding e-chain application as the basis of the test Picture 3: A mechanically low-quality element jacket can’t protect the bus pair against the high mechanical loads inside an
energy chain.
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