Page 947 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 947
Example: ...tested! Under these application conditions, the attenuation of the
cable was not permitted to rise above 3dB at 850nm wave
length. After one million double strokes, which correspond to
Light in the cold an operational performance of about 7,000 kilometres, the
maximum attenuation was reached and remained significantly
below 3dB.
The measurements highlighted in the diagram reveal that
variations in temperature combined with the constant
movement in the e-chain have only minor effects on the
Light in the cold - igus graded index glass-fibre cable in a deep attenuation of the CFLG.6G.TC cable. The noticeable high
initial attenuation is attributed to the plugs used and also
freeze test reflects the reality here because, in practice, 90% of the cables
used in automation are plugged fibre optic cables.
The igus CFLG graded index glass-fibre cable has already The test with the igus cable makes it quite clear that only
become a standard in numerous crane applications for the expensive and realistic tests can offer clarity about the service
safe transmission of large amounts of bus data at high speeds life of cables.
and over long distances. Insensitivity to electro-magnetic
interference and resistance to tough environmental influences Product information CFLG.G
enable this, alongside the energy supply cables in very long Page 232
What happens in crane facilities in regions with extremely low
temperatures? Does the maximum possible cable length of Attenuation of the fibres 1-6 of the CFLG.6G.50/125.T cable in two directions
several hundred metres reduce through increase in attenuation
at low temperatures, or can the cable even break in extreme
applications, for example at -40 °C?
The sensitive glass fibres are carried in a gel-filled tube. Fibre no. 1, direction 1
How does the gel behave in highly dynamic conditions and Fibre no. 2, direction 1
what happens in restarts after long downtimes? As no precise Fibre no. 3, direction 1
information about this could be found in relevant technical Fibre no. 4, direction 1
journals, and as little was known particularly about the thermal Fibre no. 5, direction 1
features of the gel, igus undertook its own tests to determine Attenuation in [dB] at 850nm Fibre no. 6, direction 1
the reliable specifications for applications in e-chain systems . Fibre no. 1, direction 2
To carry out this task, the igus test laboratory was equipped Fibre no. 2, direction 2
with a cold chamber that can generate constant temperatures Fibre no. 3, direction 2
of -40 °C and a test facility was created for long travels up to Fibre no. 4, direction 2
Fibre no. 5, direction 2
7 m with a speed of 1.6 m/s and an acceleration up to 6 m/s . Fibre no. 6, direction 2
The igus graded index glass-fibre cable CFLG.6G.50/125.
TC was tested with a length of about 15 m as loop within an
igus e-chain system 3500.125.200.0 with a bend radius
of 200 mm. Varied and extreme temperatures simulated
environmental influences, particularly when the temperature Temperature in °C after 5 days after 5 days
plunged during downtimes from above freezing to -40 °C in a (number of double strokes) at rest at rest
short time and the motion was restarted afterwards. BEFORE AFTER
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