Page 952 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 952

Example: ...tested!                                                                                                    Example: ...tested!

            Comparison of jacket materials                                                                                         Completely twisted,

            exposed to different oils                                                                                              take two.

            For years now, specially developed tests tailored to the   In this way, customers not only get a statement about the   The "torsion-resistant" requirement for cables for energy
            individual requirements of igus  customers have been used   different resistance of the various materials such as given   chains is not new, but is seldom exactly defined. So how is a
            to obtain more meaningful results than if standard tests were   by following the above-mentioned standards, but also an   statement such as "This cable is torsion-resistant up to ±180
            used. The relatively general terms such as "oil-resistant" or   estimation of the real service life of the cable in an e-chain    °" to be understood? This makes it all the more important to
            "coolant-resistant" are little help in making the right selection   in these conditions.                               be able to deliver comparable and meaningful test results.
            in terms of jacket material to be used for an application with
            oil, lubricant or coolant influence.              If the test samples - such as the cables shown - do not              In order to satisfy this requirement, the "torsion test bench"
                                                              complete the prescribed test duration, we advise against use         was developed according to the igus  standard. Here, various
            Alongside the generally applicable tests according to e.g. DIN   in the respective application.                        cable types are twisted to a prescribed cable length of 1
            EN 60811-2-1 and IEC 60811-1-1, "everyday application                                                                  metre, which also corresponds to the distance between the
            conditions" are simulated as realistically as possible in a test                                                       fixed points. The degree of torsion can be chosen, and is
            set-up matching our customers' requirements. Thus, for                                                                 defined individually according to the test requirement, and
            example, test samples are mounted in an energy chain that                                                              the standard test is ±180 °.
            moves into an "oil bath" and then back out of it again. There
            is direct and alternating contact between the outer jacket and                                                         After a prescribed number of double strokes or a negative
            the medium to be tested and the air surrounding the energy                                                             electrical or mechanical test result, the test specimen is
            chain and cable - just as in a real application.                                                                       dissected, and the type and position of any damage can be
                                                                                                                                   exactly determined.
            After a test duration for a customer application or defined
            according to  the  igus   standard, test  samples can  be                                                              The first chainflex  CFROBOT cable types were developed to
            examined for changes in material characteristics e.g. by                                                               series with help of the data of these tests.
            comparing material strength, elongation at tear and swelling
            with the values noted before the test started.

                                                                                                                                         Product information CFROBOT
                                                                                                                                             Page 404

            Cracks in the outer jackets of materials from competitors                                                                                                                The "torsion test bench" developed according
            caused by the use in e-chains .                                                                                                                                          to the igus  standard
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