Page 936 - ASEAN Chainflex Catalogue 2023
P. 936
Example: Test 4876
Tested at -40°C
Bending tests in cold conditions in e-chains with amazing results.
25 years of tests in the igus in-house chainflex test lab The results of this experiment make for interesting reading:
have clearly shown that international standards for the Cables, which are available on the market as cold-flexible
testing of cables are quite useful, but do not meet the special down to -40°C with a PUR outer jacket and are marketed as
requirements for continuous movement in e-chains . Thus having a service life of 10 million cycles in the catalogue, fail
we have the standard ratings for "Mechanical tests - Low in a real test in an e-chain at -40°C with a massive jacket
temperature bending tests for insulating sheaths and jackets" break after less than 41,000 strokes!
according to IEC 60811-504.
According to this international standard, cables, according to
the outer diameter, are wound around a mandrel and cooled
down for a certain time to the temperature to be tested.
After the removal, a visual inspection is carried out. For the
material tested, the test is deemed to have been passed if the 40-foot climatic container for cable tests in continuous motion at -40°C
material (in this case outer jacket) does not show damage,
e.g. cracks.
Based on this standard, all cables for movement are tested in
this way and the limit temperature is specified in catalogues Jacket damage after 41,000 strokes ...
as the lowest temperature for a moving application.
Thanks to many different series of tests, igus has shown The parallel test of the CF9.15.18, however, was discontinued
that these values are in accordance with the standards, but after more than 520,000 double strokes since no change could
in continuous movement in e-chains the materials tested in be detected at all.
this way do not withstand the temperature. On the basis of this and many other test series, igus is the
only supplier on the market that is able to list three different
Example: igus test 4876. Here, the so-called chain- temperature ranges in its catalogue: 520,000 strokes without any damage, which the CF9.15.18 achieved in this test
compatible PUR cables were tested in comparison with those For fixed installation, flexible movement according to DIN EN
with chainflex TPE jacket material. 60811-504, as well as for continuously moving applications
The cables to be tested were moved in continuous motion in in e-chains .
the igus 40-foot cooling container in an e-chain at -40°C
with a bend radius factor of 6.5 x d and a travel of 5m. A test result from the igus database
Test no. 4876
Bend radius factor 6.5 x d
in e-chain ®
Test temperature -40°C
Result PUR jacket Breaks after
41,000 strokes
Result chainflex 520,000 strokes
TPE jacket without any damage
Details of the test online:
Calculate service life online:
® Result PUR jacket: Broken after 41,000 strokes Result chainflex TPE jacket: Cable after the
Media and cold tests of chainflex cables and 520,000 strokes test
e-chains in the 40-foot climatic container
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