P. 114

igus  terms | Alphabetical order

                       Application icons   Short cuts and description
                                               = Angle of rotation                             [ ° ]
                                           ΔM  = Deviation of the centre point                 [mm]
                                           a   = Acceleration                                 [m/s 2 ]
                                           AR  = Outer radius, e-chain ®  (twisterchain)       [mm]
                                           Ba  = Outer e-chain ®  width                        [mm]
                                           Bi  = Inner e-chain ®  width                        [mm]
                                               = Guide trough outer width
                                           B Ra                                                [mm]
                                               = Guide trough inner width
                                           B Ri                                                [mm]
                                           D   = Over length e-chain ®  radius in fi nal position  [mm]
                                               = Over length for long travels gliding
                                           D 2                                                 [mm]
                                               = Unsupported length with sag
                                           FL B                                                [m]
                                               = Unsupported straight length
                                           FL G                                                [m]
                                               = Unsupported lower run
                                           FL U                                                [m]
                                           FZ max = Maximum fi ll weight                       [kg/m]
                                           H   = Nominal clearance height                      [mm]
                                               = Clearance height with lowered moving end
                                           H 2                                                 [mm]
                                           ha  = Outer e-chain ®  height                       [mm]
                                               = Required clearance height
                                           H F                                                 [mm]
                                           hi  = Inner e-chain ®  height                       [mm]
                                               = Outer trough height
                                           H Ra                                                [mm]
                            Circular movement
                                               = Inner trough height
                                           H Ri                                                [mm]
                                           IR  = Inner radius, e-chain ®  (twisterchain)       [mm]
                            Horizontal and   K  = Add-on for bend radius (K is taken from the data tables of the individual series)  [mm]
                            vertical application  K 2  = Add-on for bend radius if the mounting point is lowered (for long travels)  [mm]
                                               = e-chain ®  length
                                           L K                                                 [mm]
                                           n   = Number of links                                [1]
                                               = Number of installation sets (left/right)
                                           n Mon                                                [1]
                                               = Number of trough sets (left/right)
                                           n Ri                                                 [1]
                            Applications   R   = Bend radius                                   [mm]
                            side by side   RBR = Reverse Bend Radius                           [mm]
                                           S   = Travel                                        [mm]
                                           S /2  = Half length of travel                       [mm]
                            Combined motion
                                           T   = e-chains ®  pitch                             [mm]
                                           v   = Speed                                         [m/s]
                                           X1  = Inner machine limit (twisterchain)            [mm]
                                               = Outer radius e-chain ® , including clearance (twisterchain)
                                           X 2                                                 [mm]
                                            CL  = Off set fi xed end                            [mm]
                       igus  formulae
                                           Calculation of maximum travel length, unsupported with sag
                       SFL B = 2 x FL B
                                           Calculation of maximum travel length, unsupported straight
                       SFL G = 2 x FL G
                            = Ba + 4       Minimum guide trough width
                       B Ri
                            ≥ 2 x ha       Minimum guide trough height for gliding applications
                       H Ri
                       K    = π x R + (2 x T)  Add-on for bend radius
                            = S / 2  + ΔM + K  e-chain ®  length, fi xed end is outside the centre of travel (FL G , FL B  and ΔM)
                       L K
                            = S / 2  + K [m]  e-chain ®  length, for all types of applications, fi xed end in the centre of travel, -
                       L K
                                           except circular movements and most long travels
                            = S / 2  + K 2  [m]  e-chain ®  length for long travels, fi xed end in the centre of travel
                       L K
                       112                 More information 
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