P. 115
Calculation | e-chain length and camber
Calculation of the e-chain length
If the fi xed end of the e-chain ® is located in the centre of the travel, the e-chain ® length L K is
calculated by using half the length of travel and adding the value K for the bend radius. You can The fi xed end in the centre
obtain the value K from the tables in the catalogue. Placing the fi xed end in the centre of the travel of the travel is the most
is the most cost-eff ective solution because it requires the shortest e-chain ® , cables and hoses. cost-eff ective solution
This formula is generally valid for all types of applications if K = π x R + (2 x T)
the fi xed end is in the centre of the travel. Exceptions: circular L K = Length e-chain ®
movements and most long travels. S = Travel
S S / 2 = Half length of travel
S/2 S/2 R = Bend radius
ΔM = Deviation of the
R centre point
K = Add-on for
bend radius
T = e-chains ® pitch
(K is taken from the data tables
of the individual igus series)
This formula is valid if the fi xed end is outside the
centre of the travel.
S/2 S/2
The largest possible unsupported length is infl uenced by the design, material and camber. No Camber - Special "NC"
Camber is the curve of the upper run along its unsupported length. All igus ® e-chains ® are e-chains ® with no camber
manufactured with camber. In the installation dimensions section of each respective e-chain ® also available. Please consult
description, you will fi nd the measurement H F , which specifi es the necessary clearance height, igus ® .
taking the camber into account. The camber allows for longer unsupported lengths and increases
service life and operating safety. Upon request, we can deliver e-chains ® without camber for H = Nominal clearance
restricted space applications - however, these no camber e-chains ® do not have the same load- height
bearing capacity. Please consult igus ® . H F = Required
clearance height
The necessary clearance
height depends on the
H H F camber of the e-chain ® .
Find values for the
necessary clearance height
H F on each product page
Principle of camber for igus ® e-chains ® H F = required installation height
3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more 113
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