P. 120

Unsupported | Short travels

                                                                     Speed, acceleration and service life
                                            FL G  service life Z
                                                                     For unsupported applications, the acceleration
                       We recommend pivoting                         (a) is the more critical parameter than the speed
                       mounting brackets as   Strokes [million]  10  (v). High acceleration can cause the e-chain ®
                       standard for unsupported                      to vibrate and reduce its service life. This is a
                       applications. We recommend   5                particular issue if the e-chain ®  already has a
                       locking mounting brackets as                  sag greater than the FL G  value. Max. values for
                       standard if speeds > 20m/s or                 acceleration (a), speed (v)and service life are
                       accelerations > 20m/s 2  0  5    10  15  20   achieved only with e-chains ®  incorporating the
                                              Acceleration a [m/s 2 ]  FL G  design. igus ®  e-chain systems ®  can sustain
                                           Standard values on service life for FL G ,   very high loads. To date, a peak acceleration of
                                           depending on acceleration  784m/s 2  has been achieved during continuous
                                                                     use. The guideline values that result from
                                            FL B  service life Z
                                                                     continuous experiments in the igus ®  laboratory
                       Standard values                               and countless practical applications can be
                       of maximal speed     Strokes [million]  10    obtained from the two diagrams for your design.
                       and acceleration             7                Our tests confi rm that these standard values
                       Unsupported  FL G FL B  5         6   5       apply to all igus ®  e-chains ®  and e-tubes. It is
                       v max.  [m/s]  20  3                          crucial to determine whether the application will
                       v peak  [m/s]  50  –  0                       be designed as unsupported straight FL G  or
                       a max.  [m/s 2 ] 200 6  0   2    4   6    8   unsupported, with sag FL B .
                       a peak  [m/s 2 ] 784 –  Acceleration a [m/s 2 ]
                       Standard value of FL G  service   Standard values on service life for FL B ,
                       life: 10 million cycles
                                           depending on acceleration

                                           Contact surfaces
                                           Unsupported igus ®  e-chains ®  normally require some type of surface on which the lower portion
                                           of the e-chain ®  runs. A wide range of confi gurations is available, as the drawings on the right
                                           demonstrate. Many material options are feasible: metals, polymers, stone, wood, concrete, glass,
                                           etc. We also have solutions to minimise the noise generated by the e-chain ®  lower portion. When
                                           selecting the running surface, please ensure that dirt and debris cannot collect in the e-chain ®  path.

                                           Mounting brackets
                                           We recommend pivoting mounting brackets as standard for unsupported applications.
                                           Pivoting mounting brackets compensate for the camber, can be installed more easily and
                       Different surfaces and   decrease the load on the fi rst e-chain ®  link in operation. Exception: if the acceleration is greater
                       support trays are possible  than 20m/s 2  or if the height is limited to the H F  measurement. In such cases, locking mounting
                                           brackets keep the e-chain ®  under the H F  measurement.

                                           Unsupported lower run
                                           e-chains ®  without support along the lower run have restricted use. The value FL U  usually must
                                           be determined in a test by igus ® . The maximum permissible amount of the projection depends
                                           on the fi ll weight, the selected e-chain ® , the dynamics, and other factors. The combination of
                          FLU              fi ll weight, e-chain ®  type and FL U  is always diff erent. If the lower run of the e-chain ®  cannot be
                       FL U = Unsupported  supported over the whole travel, please consult igus ® .
                           lower run

                       118                 More information 

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