P. 118

Unsupported | Short travels

                       The FL G  type of installation
                       always generates the
                       longest service life and
                       can be operated with the
                       max. values for speed and

                                           Example for unsupported straight FL G
                                                             FL G                         FL B
                                          H F  R  H                     H F  R  H
                                                              S/2                          S/2
                                                        S                             S
                                           If the upper run of the e-chain ®  operates without touching the lower run over the entire travel, it is
                                           called an unsupported application. The distance between moving end and the beginning of the
                                           radius curve of the e-chain ®  is called the unsupported length. The unsupported application is
                               1.          the most common. igus ®  e-chains ®  are very well suited for high dynamics and long service life.
                               2.          The maximum unsupported length depends on the fi ll weight and the type of e-chain ®  or e-tube.
                                           As a result, we diff erentiate among three types of unsupported length:
                       1. Unsupported with   1. Unsupported with straight upper run FL G
                                           The e-chain ®  is unsupported FL G  when the upper run still has camber, is straight or has a maximum
                         straight upper run FL G
                       2. Unsupported with   sag of 1/2 of the e-chain ®  link height. Installing the e-chain ®  in FL G  is always recommended. The
                                           e-chain ®  runs smoothly without additional vibration.
                         permitted sag FL B
                       3. Critical sag
                                           2. Unsupported with permitted sag FL G
                                           The e-chain ®  is unsupported FL B  when the sag is more than 1/2 e-chain ®  link height and less
                                           than the smallest available radius of this e-chain ®  series. In most applications the e-chain ®  can
                                           be used unsupported FL B  without any problems. There are restrictions concerning the maximum
                                           speed and acceleration.

                                           3. Critical sag
                                           When the sag of the e-chain ®  is higher than allowed for FL B , it is in critical sag. Using an e-chain ®
                                           in critical sag should be avoided or solved with special solutions. An e-chain ®  should never be
                                           installed with critical sag. Applications may reach critical sag after long service times. The e-chain ®
                                           or e-tube should be replaced in these cases.

                       116                 More information 

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