P. 121
Unsupported | Noise-optimised
Minimise noise levels with igus e-chain systems ®
The igus ® product range includes e-chains ® optimised for low noise. The table below briefl y illustrates
the diff erences in noise level among various e-chains ® . In addition to the e-chain ® , the running surface, We off er numerous e-chains ®
the dynamics and the cable and hose package play a role in overall noise generation. Have our optimised for low noise. Use
specialists design the quietest e-chain system ® for your application, for example. the quietest e-chain system ®
for your application
E6.1 ≤ 32dB(A)*
A value of 32dB(A)* was measured during the igus ® internal test 4479 for
the series E61. The quieter operation than the standard E6
system is due to a very small pitch and a brake in the stop dog system.
T3 ≤ 33dB(A)*
The T-shaped band chain T3 was measured with a value of only 33dB(A)*
at 1.0m/s in the igus ® laboratory for the series T3. with
unsupported length.
E3 ≤ 38dB(A)*
Long-term tests in the igus ® acoustic laboratory showed a value of only
38dB(A)* for the E3. series according to DIN 45635 measured
at a speed of 1.8m/s and an acceleration of 3m/s 2 .
E6 ≤ 46dB(A)
A measurement conducted by the Rhineland Technical Inspection Authority
(TÜV Rheinland) in May 2002 indicated a value of ≤ 46dB(A) at 2m/s and
with an unsupported length of 1.5m with series E6.
E4.1 ≤ 46dB(A)*
A measurement for the ES4.42 series in the igus ® acoustic laboratory
indicated a value of 46dB(A)* at 1.0m/s with an unsupported length.
Special, optional noise dampeners greatly attenuate rolling noise.
E4/00 ≤ 46dB(A)
A measurement conducted by TÜV Rheinland for the
series indicated a value of 46dB(A) at 1.0m/s with an unsupported length.
Optional noise dampeners greatly attenuate rolling noise.
Selected noise tests - external noise corrected measurement values
e-chain ® System Averaging of the corrected Test method
series sound pressure levels unsupported
E61.29* E6.1 ≈ 32dB(A) 1.0m/s
T3.29* T3 33dB(A) 1.0m/s
E3.22* E3 ≈ 38dB(A) 1.8m/s
E6.52 E6 ≈ 46 dB(A) 2.0m/s
ES4.42* E4.1 ≈ 46 dB(A) 1.0m/s We have received an offi cial
221 E4/00 ≈ 46 dB(A) 1.5m/s certifi cate from the Rhineland
Chain 1 third-party product ≈ 77 dB(A) 2.0m/s Technical Inspection
Chain 2 third-party product ≈ 68 dB(A) 2.0m/s Authority (TÜV Rheinland
Chain 3 third-party product ≈ 73 dB(A) 2.0m/s Berlin-Brandenburg) and we
Source: TÜV Rheinland / *Internal test in the igus ® laboratory, Cologne are able to provide you with
a copy upon request
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