P. 125

Gliding | Long travels

                        Travel speeds and accelerations
                        Travel speeds up to 5m/s in continuous operation
                        are possible and in use on current applications.          Corrosion-free igus ®  guide
                        In special cases, up to 10m/s possible after              troughs are available in the
                        consultation with igus ® . For example, E4                material:
                        e-chains ®  achieve speeds of 22m/s and                   ●  Galvanised steel
                        accelerations of 784m/s 2  in crash test units.           ●  AISI 316Ti/AISI 316L
                        In these cases, however, only a few thousand                stainless steel material
                        cycles are required per year. Acceleration plays            1.4571/1.4404 upon
                        a crucial role in the life calculation. Diff erentiations   request
                        must be made between normal operational                   ●  Seawater resistant
                        acceleration and a sudden jolt of acceleration              aluminium
                        such as unexpected stops or so-called "E-stops."
                        Even in these situations, igus ®  e-chains ®  prove
                        to be very durable.
                                                       Automated storage/retrieval system with
                        Service life                   system E2 and chainfl ex ®  cables - travel
                        We offer service life calculations for your   lengths up to 80m and speed of v = 4.5m/s
                        application based on our extensive gliding
                        application experience. As developers of polymer plain bearings, we possess vast material
                        behaviour knowledge which we apply to the development of e-chains ®  as well. Units with 200m
                        travels have been in operation for 8 years with minimum maintenance. Units up to 60m travels have
                        been in operation for 15 years with almost no maintenance. Please consult igus ®  for references
                        and calculations for your project. The maintenance-free aspects of igus ®  e-chain systems ®  over
                        long periods and under harsh operating conditions is often the deciding factor in choosing igus ® .
                        Our system guarantee (depends on the application) provides additional peace of mind.

                        Technical environment
                        Long travel applications using igus ®  e-chains ®  run in water, in dirt, in the tropics, in explosion
                        risk areas (with special design features) and many other conditions. You will fi nd more details in   Long travel "off  the reel."
                        the Technical Environment section of this chapter. Guide troughs can be supplied in corrosion-  Up to 100m travel pre-
                        free materials.                                           assembled and ready to
                        Comprehensive tests place us in the position of knowing our products capabilities. Important
                        factors in these tests are: ● Push/pull forces under both ambient and extreme temperatures ●
                        Humidity and dirt ● Friction values of the polymers, alone and against various glide surfaces ●
                        Behaviour of electrical cables under push/pull conditions ● Behaviour of hydraulic and media
                        hoses under push/pull conditions ● Service life, and noise generation. If we cannot calculate
                        your application based on these factors, we can carry out a test for you in our laboratory. Please
                        consult igus ® .

                        Technical data - gliding applications
                        Max. travel   600m - 800m
                        v max         10m/s
                        a max         50m/s 2   Depending on the application, please check with igus ®
                        Fill weight max.  70kg/m  Depending on the application, please check with igus ®

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more   123

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