P. 129

Zig-zag | liftband | Application

                                                                                  We recommend pivoting
                                                                                  mounting brackets for zig-
                                                                                  zag applications

                        Zig-zag application: de-commissioning of a nuclear power station. About 14 m high steel
                        containers are milled into small swarf for disposal

                        Zig-zag design
                        The modular design of igus ®  e-chains ®  facilitates this space-saving and unconventional solution.
                        For modern platform technology, such as theatre stages, a variety of cables and hoses which
                        adjust the stage height must be accommodated. Lack of space almost invariably presents
                        diffi  culties. The picture shows an e-chain ®  in a zig-zag confi guration. The unextended e-chain ®
                        is stored in a basket. If the platform is raised, the e-chain ®  unfolds, generating little or no noise.
                        This construction is possible with the e-chains ®  of the E4.1 system as well as many other types.   Space-saving installation -
                        Please consult igus ®  for these kinds of applications.   travel heights of more than
                                                                                  20m possible

                        Technical data - zig-zag
                        Max. travel   40m       More upon request
                        v max         0.4m/s    Depending on the application, please check with igus ®
                        a max         1.0m/s 2  Depending on the application, please check with igus ®

                        Special solution for vertical motion:
                        liftband - guide up to a height of 13m
                        with limited installation space
                        ● For high vertical applications that have plenty of
                        space horizontally but allow only for little system
                        height ● Modular, silent, space-saving; vertical
                        guidance for energy, data and media ● Max.
                        extension length: 13m ● Available in 2 sizes ●
                        Alternative to zig-zag solution, but lighter and
                        smaller installation space ● Vertical applications
                        implemented with ease
                        More information  from page 1146

                               3D CAD, confi gurators, service life calculation and more   127

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