P. 124

Gliding | Long travels

                                                                     Long travels with igus  guide troughs
                                                                     Guide troughs allow igus ®  e-chain ®  and e-tubes
                       If the fi xed point is in the                  to continue smooth, low-friction operation in long
                       centre of the travel, use half                travel applications. Principle sketches are shown
                       of the guide trough with                      on this page. The height of the trough must be at
                       glide bars and the other                      least twice that of the e-chain ®  height. The sides
                       half without glide bars                       must provide a chamfered opening. The trough
                                                                     inner width is the same as the e-chain ®  outer
                                                                     width, plus 4mm for an aluminium SuperTrough
                                                                                Along the side of the trough, where
                                                                     the upper run cannot glide on the lower run,
                                                                     glide bars must be installed. We recommend
                                                                     the use of polymer glide bars from igus ® . They
                                                                     are optimally matched to the e-chain ®  material
                                                                     and off er the lowest values for friction, noise
                                           Various igus ®  guide trough systems are   and wear. Guide troughs with and without glide
                                           available Page 1298      bars can be obtained from stock for almost all
                                                                     igus ®  e-chains ® . Important: When assembling
                                                                     the trough parts, the following points must be
                                           given particular attention: ● Properly align all trough parts upon installation ● All screw heads
                                           should be fl ush with the trough ● Smooth level transition between the end of the e-chain ®  and
                                           the glide bars ● Solid connection with the glide surface. These points must be observed when
                                           using assembly-friendly igus ®  guide troughs.

                       Ba = Outer e-chain ®  width
                       Bi = Inner e-chain ®  width
                                                    B Ri  = Ba + 4              B Ri  = Ba + 4
                       ha = e-chain ®  outer height    Ba                          Ba
                       H Ri = Trough inner height      Bi                          Bi
                       B Ri = Inner trough width
                           depending on Ba               ha                          ha
                                                                   H Ri                        H Ri
                       Aluminium SuperTrough
                       H Ri ≥ 2 x ha        A            ha             B
                       B Ri = Ba + 4
                       Steel guide trough
                       B Ri = Ba + 5
                                           A) Guide trough without glide bars - upper run glides on the lower run
                         Alu SuperTrough set  B) The upper run glides on the glide bars from the middle of the travel. We recommend the use
                         glide bar         of igus ®  polymer glide bars. They are optimally matched to the e-chain ®  material and off er the
                         Installation set basic  lowest values for friction, noise and wear (Illustration on the right, orange with the new high-speed
                         C-profi le         glide bar, super aluminium trough series 973/974/975)

                                           Glide friction values for e-chains  made of igumid  G and various glide bars
                                           igus ®    igus ®  polymer   Galvanised  Anodised   AISI 304 stainless
                                           igumid ®  G  glide bar  steel sheet  aluminium  steel (material: 1.4301)
                                           Coeffi  cient of
                                                     0.19       0.45       0.54       0.48
                                           friction dynamic
                                           Source: igus ®  lab
                       122                 More information 

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