P. 122
Gliding | Long travels
Gliding applications principle
For long travels, the upper run of the igus ®
Recommended ratio of e-chains ® rests on the lower run. The upper run of
inner width Bi to bend the chain glides partly on the lower run and partly
radius R on a glide bar. The diagram below shows this.
The minimum inner width of For lateral guidance, a guide trough is necessary.
an e-chain ® on long travels If the stationary mounting bracket and the fi xed
depends on its bend radius. end of the cables and hoses can be placed in
For particularly large bend the centre, the e-chain ® length is calculated as
radii on long travels, please follows: .
consult igus ® . Depending on the technical data and the selected
e-chain ® , the mounting point of the moving end
of the e-chain ® must be lowered on some units
igus ® specifi es: (lowered moving end).
Bi min. ≥ / 4
Example of lowered moving end
L K = / 2 + K2
= e-chain ® length
S = Travel
S / 2 = Half length of travel
R = Bend radius
CL= Off set fi xed end
H Ri = Trough inner height
H 2 = Clearance height
with lowered
moving end
D 2 = Over length for
long travels gliding
Long travel with an energy-effi cient rol e-chain ® - saving drive power
K2 = Add-on with
S/2 S/2 D2
moving end
R H2 R
Guide trough with glide bar Guide trough without glide bar
Total length of guide trough
Schematic showing the function of an e-chain system ® on a gliding application. The fi xed end
of this application is located in the centre of the travel.
Advantages for lowered
S/2 S/2
moving end
● Space-saving K2
● Longer travels R H2 R
● Longer service life
Total length of guide trough
Confi guration involving two opposed e-chains ® . The travel is measured as shown and can be
used when there are high loads or restricted space
120 More information
05.06.23 18:29
03)-ASEAN-DESIGN 2022.indd 120
03)-ASEAN-DESIGN 2022.indd 120 05.06.23 18:29