P. 134

Circular movement | RBR | Guide troughs

                                                                     igus  guide troughs- standard
                                                                     modular system RM
                                                                     Depending on the dynamics and load of the
                                                                     application, the guides are made of steel or
                                                                     stainless steel (material: 1.4301). For applications
                                                                     with high duty cycle, we provide a plastic sliding
                       Circular movement with                        liner in the guide troughs. The igus ®  e-chains ®  do
                       RBR, diameter 6000mm.                         not require any additional sliding pads either for
                       The inner ring rotates                        contact with the substrate or with the side walls.
                                                                     We would be happy to off er complete systems
                                                                     with guide troughs, and also support you with
                                                                     drawings for your own construction.

                                           igus ®  system RM - guide troughs for
                                           circular movement applications with RBR

                                           igus  Multi Rotation Module (MRM) helps to realise circular movements
                                           up to 900° and more
                                           With the Multi Rotation Module (MRM) you can implement larger angles of rotation of 900°
                                           and more. Thanks to stackable add-on modules the angle of rotation can be extended virtually
                                           indefi nitely. One layer for rotations up to 540°, two layers for 900°, larger angles of rotation
                                           are possible with more layers. The rotation and add-on modules are ideally suited for rotary
                       Typical application areas:   movements with high fi ll weights and limited space.
                       off  shore, stacker/reclaimer,   ●  Several individual systems are stacked on each other and thus are combined to a complete
                       bucket-wheel excavators,   system
                       rotary cranes, other rotating   ●  The maximum rotation of the individual levels can be easily added, thereby enabling rotary
                       applications         movements up to 900 degrees and more
                                           ●  Compact design enables the operation even in tight spaces, extendable "at will"
                                           ●  High fi ll weights possible
                                           ●  e-chains ®  can be freely assembled
                                           ●  Peripheral speeds up to 1m/s
                                                                     How it works
                                                                     ●  Is the defi ned rotation angle of the lower layer
                                                  Cover plate,         reached, the next upper module is carried
                                                   optional            along automatically due to an integrated
                                                                       connection system. The entire system only
                                                                       needs a mechanical force transfer
                                                                     ●  The construction minimises potential
                                                                       interference. The Multi Rotation Module system
                                                                       is ideal for rotary applications, heavy loads and
                                                  +360°                for harsh environments
                                                                     ●  Unlike other systems using sliding contacts,
                                                                       the e-chain ®  can also guide hoses for air, gas
                       igus ®  MRM modules: Rotate   +360°             or fl uids, as well as bus and fi bre optic cables
                       heavy fi lling in a small space,               ●  Even for tough environmental conditions
                       e.g., in machine tools or
                       132                 More information 

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